Lost [Kevin]

"Open wide Kevin." Petra's singing voice chimed as she held a silver spoon filled with some substance.

After spending most of my morning having Jeremy soak my right arm in ice hoping to god it isn't broken cause your boy ain't got them medical bills money. Now here I am with one arm in a sling and my lovely witch forces some green chicken soup down my throat. How the fuck you get green chicken soup anyway?

My flash back was cut short as a hot spoon was shoved into my mouth. Pieces of grey meat and slimy broth splash across the room. My eyes narrowed as I gaze up to Petra who had a pleased smile on her face.

"I hate you."

Petra lets out a soft chuckle and pats my head like I was some kind of dog. Like I was her bitch. "Good boy." she replies, pressing a delicate kiss on my forehead before rising from her seat and padded her way to the kitchen,






"Jeremy! someones at the door!"

A soft groan can be heard as Jeremy drags himself to the door wearing his oversized Star Trek insignia shirt. "Hey why are you here so early."'

I peered over the top of the couch only catching the top a voluminous afro behind Jeremy's head. Only one girl in this entire school got hair as full as that.

"Bess, you came to visit lil old me?"

Bess groans softly , "Hey Jeremy, I see you've been hitting the gym more, why not take bag-of-bones over there with you.

"Hey I would! He and Nikkei are basically fucking each other the whole time." I retorted.

Bess strides over to the couch leaning her slim body along the arm of the couch. It seemed like an innocent act of sitting down but believe me that twinkle in her deep brown eyes only spoke mischief. Sadly I noticed too late as she pushed herself back landing directly on my swollen arm.

Now let's be clear because I'm grown and grown men like me don't scream like little girls or bawl like little boys (Jeremy).

We grown men holler. So in the light of the intense pain that was eradicating across my arm I hollered. I hollered like a man being beat with a hanger because they forgot to take chicken out the freezer before their mama came back.

"You fucking dick..." I gritted out trying to will away some manly tears which is a result of an intense holler.

"Bitch I got a pussy or you have forgotten those late nights already." she hums rubbing a gentle hand down my injured hand.

"Nah. I aint forget, just like the fact you got no tits."

Bess' face falls pushing me away crossing her arms. "And I have not forgotten why I broke up with you."

"You two dated?" a new voice entered the conversation.

I chuckled weakly, staring up at Petra who was holding a plate of toast and jam. "It's done though. Really it is."

Bess looked between us before the confusion wore off. "Oh Kevin, I didn't know you had a date over. If I had known I would have left."

Petra quickly shook her head, "It's fine. My name is Petra. You are Bess Swan from the environmental club at our campus.".

Bess moved from her position on the couch and sprung to her feet. "Yeah that's me. And of course I know you. Everyone knows the school representative."

Petra's the school representative?

How am I the last nigga to know these things?

"So Petra, you and Kev really dating?" Bess questions pointing at both of them, her lips pouting slightly.

Petra blushes slightly shifting on the balls of her feet. "Yeah we just got together last night."

"Oh you poor thing. Whatever sweet thing he tells it's a lie to get in your pants." Bess replied in her nanna voice.

"Poor thing? Really Bess! You are falling for that! She is a demon!" I exclaimed in which Bess hit me with her disapproving mother face I know all too well.

"Kevin stop being so negative. Petra's a nice girl, ambitious and has not yet found your personality detestable."

I scoffed rising from seat, "If I am so fucking detestable why the fuck do you still be around me."

Bess' mouth opened and shut. She squeezed her eyes shut before turning to Petra uttering, "Petra you are a mature girl, get out of it while you still can.". Bess quickly turned on the heel of her sneakers and left the dorm slamming the door behind her.

The room felt like the arctic. Cold, quiet and could probably blind you if you look too long. I slumped back.

"Anyone want toast?"


In the small closet of the Visual Art Department was a drunk man weilding a razor over my head as I prayed for him to only have drank 1 bottle instead of 5.

"Same fade and ting right?" Charlez drawled swaying side to side.

"You done know my G."

The buzz of a razor filled the small room as neither Charlez nor I spoke. I can understand why Charlez wasn't talking since using whatever concentration he has to cut my hair. For me however, events from early swirl in my head.

This is not the first time I have said some dickish things to Bess and she would usually hit me but this time was different.

I felt different

Probably was arm pain.

The closet door opened suddenly as Jeremy entered the room with a small blonde male entered the room. Why did Jeremy have to bring him along?

"Kevin~" Nikkei gushed, throwing his arms around my middle. "Long time no see huh?"

I internally groaned pulling my good arm out from the hold trying to pry him away.

Nikkei Crane is the long time girlfriend turned boyfriend of Jeremy. He is a pretty harmless person and seems to keep Jeremy happy so it doesn't bother me much.

"What do you want Nikkei?" I sighed.

"Well Bess came to the club really sad today and I figured it was you." His eyes narrowed, glaring towards me, his grip tightening ever so slightly.

I bit back a pained winced as his grip pressed further on his hand.

"Look I didn't mean to make her sad, like come on this ain't the first time we argued." I defended myself.

"But this is the first time you have a girlfriend." Jeremy butts in.

"Stay out of this J." I snapped at him. "What do you know about my situation."

"I know that girlfriend of yours gives me the creeps and that I honestly preferred BessXKevin personality than this." He replied, gesturing up and down at me.

Who does he think he is to question me?

I pushed myself out the chair. Hair half done and pissed off and went off at the person currently challenging me.

"What do you even know about my personality? What makes you the one to dictate how I felt! How I feel inside! Y'all got me here being all white and shit. "

Jeremy stepped forward, "Well I got to make my assumptions because of your closeted ass trying to be all 'I don't care about other people's mentality."

"Mentality? Nigga this I am. You think I give a fuck about you? News flash, I don't. You are just a pestering Indian boy who won't let up."

Now we were both at each other's throats. The only space between us was held by little Nikkei trying desperately to separate us.

"Please Kevin... Jeremy stop this nonsense." Nikkei pleaded.

Nikkei placed his hands on either of our chests. I don't know why but I snapped and back hand slapped Nikkei across the face. The sound echoed through the room like a sonic boom. I believe the sound even made Charlez sober.

Nikkei's doe green eyes soon filled with tears. A pink hand over the red mark across his cheek. Jeremy was quick to comfort his lover while I stared at them dumbfounded.

"I hope you are satisfied with yourself Kevin." was the last thing Jeremy said before leaving the closet holding Nikkei in his arms exiting the room.


Jeremy locked me out of the dorm.

What an emotional prick. It isn't my fault he thinks I lost control of myself. Now locking me out with nowhere else to go. How savage.

As I walked around the school's parking lot for the twelfth time my phone buzzed. It could be Jeremy telling me I could come back now.

Petra: Hello Kevin baby~

Kevin: What do you want Ms.Joker?

Petra: I heard you got kicked out of your dorm.

Kevin: I did not! I left at my own accord.

Petra: oh really? Then if you left where are you then.

Kevin: Like I would tell you crazy.

Petra: Well if you aren't busy you are more than welcomed to come by my apartment.

Kevin: Now why would I do that.

Petra: Why not? Can't visit your girlfriend?

Kevin: You're not girlfriend! And even if it was true I won't go by your place.

Petra: Suit yourself. Weather forecast calls for showers tonight. Bye Baby~.

I growled as the call clicked off. I'm not going by her place.

I'm not

Really I am.....

It started to drizzle.

Still not going.


Not moving from this spot no matter what.


"You came after all, baby~. Please come in."

I was soaking from my head to my toes in rain water with a trail of muddy footsteps behind me.

"Whatever, it's just for to-night...."

The words fell to the floor. My train of thought grew wings and flew away.

Did I just walk into a college girl's apartment?

Or a scene from those pulp romance novels.