Fatherly Gesture

"Ashkan," Javid firmly said making the little boy flinch, "care to explain where you've been?" his glare at the poor boy was a killer's glare.

Gods be good he was just a little boy what is he doing? That's what everyone says when they see the two of them together wondering how in the world is that a father and his son they also thought.

Those words never failed to leave a scar in him despite hearing them for over a dozen times. However, he never did anything about it, he had a good reason for why he is doing this and he wouldn't dare share it with anyone.

"He got lost, Your Highness" it was Tari who answered instead, gaining a glare from Javid, as if he is telling her to stay out of his business with his son. But she didn't even flinch.

"Huh??" he said frowning.

"I-it's true," Ashkan said trying his best not to stutter in front of his father.

Poor boy, please forgive me Javid said under his breath.

Watching his only son talking in fear to his father shattered his heart more than any words he has ever received from the people around him.

He tried to collect whatever power he has left and gestured for him to go inside and not make any more commotion.

"Ashkan!" Tari called out before he took his last step inside the room. "Can he come with us tomorrow to the lake" she turned her attention to Javid, her silver eyes full of determination that he was taken aback.

The little boy looked up at his father with eyes full of hope and fear that somehow, he would accept the offer, but there was also that look that showed that he was holding himself from asking for approval.

"Thank you, but no," he said before his tongue could slip, reminding himself of the essence of what he is doing.

"I don't know why you want him to stay low," she said in a firm whisper, "But we promise to keep his identity a secret."

She turned to Joon Wo giving him the help-me-out-here look with both her eyebrows raised.

"Y-yes," Joon Wo said going with the flow of the conversation, "that way he would be staying low right? And no one has seen him before" he continued after he thought of any logical words to say since he had no idea where that request came from.

But he remembered that she wouldn't let the incident about not getting her name right slip so…he wanted to keep his head.

They have a point. Javid tilted his head reviewing their words, and then he looked down at his son who was still looking at him with those puppy eyes, still having hope that he will change his mind.

Am I taking this too far? He asked himself wondering if he went too far with his acting.

His acting to protect his son from his brothers that are waiting to take him down. They will never use you against me I'll make sure of it he promised his son on the day that he first held him in his arms.

The day he thought that once again the world is brightening up for him.

He always wanted to have treated him like how a father is supposed to treat his son, he didn't want to turn out like his father, he promised himself that at first but broke that promise not long after.

So, for once he decided to let it slid…just once wouldn't hurt.

"Alright" he finally said releasing a heavy sigh as if saying that simple word took all the power in him.

"REALLY!" Ashkan said loudly his green eyes glittering with joy, that he was even thinking that he might have heard wrong.

Javid nodded giving his son a hint of a gentle smile that Ashkan had to blink a couple of times thinking that he must be imagining. But that smile was gone within split seconds.

"If that is all, go back inside," he said gesturing for his son to go inside the room which he gladly did.

"Where did that come from?" Joon Wo asked raising his eyebrows at her immediately after they turned around to go back.

"What?" she said, "he is a good boy and he was clearly sad that he will have to get locked up again" she talked as if what she did was completely understandable.

"I mean yeah he is a good boy" he admitted, "but you know…" he hesitated.

"Know what?"

"You know what I mean!" he rolled his eyes.

"No, I don't" she frowned, "Spill it out already!"

"From what I've seen your dad doesn't seem to like Prince Javid. He resents him" he finally said.

"How is that related to what I've done," she asked ignorantly.

"H-Huh?" he furrows one brow not believing that she actually didn't know.

"I mean," she said looking out in front of her, "as you said its Prince Javid that my father doesn't like, it has nothing to do with his son."

He nodded. "You do have a point there" he acknowledged.

"See I told you" she exclaimed with a grin. "I should go back now. Papa would be waiting for me by now."

And with that they returned back to their chambers with only thought inside of Nefertari's head, should she tell her father about this or not.

She started to question herself about whether he would get mad about this or not, but the more she thinks the more she realizes that there isn't anything for him to be mad about.

She knows that there is something that had happened between them a long time ago. Something big that her father would go to the extent of telling Prince Javid that he shouldn't even touch her.

But all of this has nothing to do with Ashkan that little poor boy.

She was so curious about knowing the truth, but she believed her father's word that he would tell her when the time comes.

So, she decided to have patience and wait for him to come to tell her. Because whatever that may be, it's clear that it's hard for him to talk about.

Meanwhile, Ashkan was still up in the clouds with joy, a smile displayed on his freckled pale face.

That did not go unnoticed by his father, his eyes were on the little boy at every move, every gesture that he made.

It sent butterflies in his stomach.

He was also up in the clouds with joy at seeing his son this happy. It was like the first time he had seen his little boy smiling this brightly and wholeheartedly. All he had ever seen was the fake smiles that he gave when they were in front of people, yet he could see the fear and hurt in the little boy's eyes. With nothing, he could do about it.

Don't ruin everything you have been working for he always told himself.

"Remember, you are not to tell a soul other than those two about me okay?" he said trying to make it as gentle as possible, which his son has noticed and appreciated wholeheartedly.

"Yes!" he said cheerfully, "Thank you, Papa"

Papa!... he repeated the last word inside his head making his eyes wide open.

"Papa?" he said in a low voice but still his son heard it, making him flinch at the thought that he might have offended his father.

"I-I'm sorry!" he yelled, "I didn't mean to, Lord father" he looked at the ground holding his hands in front of him.

Lord father…that was what he always called him by, lord father. He never actually paid it any mind, until now that is.

The feeling that crept up his spine that he couldn't help the grin that was finding its way to his face.

He chuckled at how Ashkan is reacting. He walked over to him caressing the little boy's orange-red hair gently and said "it's okay." Making the boy look at his father with puppy eyes.

"Call me that when there is no one around us," he said displaying for the first time a gentle smile to his son, not like the smile a while ago that disappeared in mere seconds no, it lingered on his face long enough for his son to process it in his head.

"Let's go have dinner," he said holding out his hand to his son.

Without even a second thought Ashkan held his father's big strong hand with his little small ones. "Okay, Papa!"

And for the first time since he was born, Ashkan knew for sure that his father did love him and care for him, just like what Tari said.

He didn't have a clue on why he treats him harshly in front of people but just like Tari said he should trust his father. He should trust that no matter what his father's love was there despite what he shows.

One day he will know the truth for sure, that's what he believed.