
True that since Azar was an orphan with no friends to care about him, he lived his life recklessly. Doing whatever he pleases, and that thing that most pleases him is, swordsmanship. That was why he joined the army, dreaming that one day he will climb up the ranks to Captain or maybe a General.

He was too naïve. The moment he enlisted to join the military, he found that he had neither the fame nor connections to help him with what he seeks. So, he was stuck with the rank of Private for only god knows how long.

Despite all that he stayed because he was able to continue his swordsmanship. Other than that, he lived without a goal or purpose.

When he knew that he was going to die, he didn't actually care all that much to his surprise, thinking aback about his life, there wasn't much he owned and there was no one to grieve over him so he didn't pay it much mind.

But now when his eyes fell upon the blade hanging a foot above his neck, he second thought.

Did he not care about leaving this world?

Did he really have no one to mourn his death?

In those last moments he was reminded of all the things he could've done if he were to live. But it was too late for that.

He hid his fear behind sarcastic talk because there was no way he would lose his pride and ego in front of those bastards.

And then, a miracle appeared dressed in silk.

The Great Pharaoh himself was standing in front of him to conclude this mess.

To him Akhenaton looked like one of those Greek Gods he always read about in books. He looked as if he was carved out of gold dressed in silk. He imagined how The Great Pyramids would complement him when he stands beneath them.

The next thing he know was the guard uncuffing his hands, he didn't care, he only looked at the miracle before him, aka Akhenaton.

He saw him talk to Captain Bijan then Prince Javid, he couldn't make out what they were talking about but from the look on Bijan's face he knew that he must have lost this time which made him smirk.

You deserve it Hound he hissed inside his head.

And with that the miracle was over, Akhenaton walked away followed by his sun-tanned Guards.

Now he knew what he wanted to do with his life. He knew what he wanted to protect. More importantly, he knew who deserved to be served and who to be betrayed.

All that was left for him to do is find an opportunity to place his request. To be honest he wasn't sure if the Pharaoh will accept him to his service or not. After all, he was Persian, who would believe that a person would just betray his homeland to serve another one.

Truth is, this thing they call home, has never given him anything. It only gave him pain and suffering since he was a child. He felt nothing towards it whatsoever.

He sighed at those thoughts as he roamed the palace grounds. The other day after letting him go, no one even looked at him let alone explain what all this was about.

"They could've at least told me why my head was going to be thrown off my body. They've no etiquette whatsoever." Says the person who was raised on the street with his arms behind his head.

"And the only thing they care to tell me is that I'm dismissed from my position…huh, what a joke." He scoffed at the memory.

Walking up this morning to see a letter that he is stripped of his rank, not that his rank was that impressive. But still, he was pissed off. How could they just throw him away when he is no longer of use to them. More like when he starts being threat to them.

Surely, they wouldn't want him going around spreading rumors in the name of the army. So, the best solution was to throw him back on the street. What a plan!

He kept scoffing and cursing as he let his feet lead him to God knows where.

"Now," he said to no one, "how will I get within 10meters of the Pharaoh…" He mumbled until he saw a crowd at the end of the hall.

The same sun-tanned crowd from the other day. In the center of those sturdy looking men was the person he was just thinking of.

"Speaking of the devil." He smirked and dashed there way only to be stopped by the Pharaoh's guards.

"Yoh, easy man." He said, "I only need a word with His Holiness." He raised his hands in the air to show that he meant no harm.

"What's your business with His Holiness?" said one of the Guards.

"Well," he thought hard, "I currently don't have one but surely I'll in the future." He smiled stupidly at the guards who just blankly stared at him.

Turning back after he finished talking with someone who was clearly more important than Azar and had business with him, Akhenaton looked at the guards and then back at Azar.

"Woah! He is even more ethereal up close he." He mumbled.

"What's with all the commotion?" Akhenaton asked.

"This person here is saying that he has business with you Pharaoh."

Akhenaton took another look at the cause of the commotion and thought that his face was somewhat familiar to him, tilting his head trying to recall where did he see this dark golden-haired young man.

Azar realized that he didn't recognize him. "Of course, you don't recognize me, we met briefly yesterday Your Holiness."

"Oh! You are that Persian Soldier from yesterday." Akhenaton's eyes shot up wondering what business he would want from him. "How can I help you?" he said stepping in front of the young man, his guards standing back on either side of him.

He sat down on one knee holding his head low, astonishing Akhenaton with his sudden actions. "I owe you my life Your Holiness. It's a debt I could never forget. If you would to be so kind as to accept me in your service."


"I know this might sound absurd but please, you've given me a chance to live again. Now, please allow me to use it in serving you Your Highness!" he said in a very firm tone displaying just how serious and desperate he is.

"You want to tell me that you will abandon your homeland, family and friends on top of all that you are a soldier in the army and you want to give all that up and come serve a king of a foreign land?" Akhenaton rubbed his chin between his thumb and index finger trying to see if he got all the reasons right.

"My country gave me nothing but suffering. I don't have a family I'm an orphan and most certainly I've no friends. And this morning I was kicked out of service." He said, anger was clear in his tone. "They didn't even tell me why I was going to die they dragged to the cells like an animal."

"So, yes Your Holiness I'll gladly abandon it." He looked up at the Pharaoh with eyes full of determination. This was his last chance.

His last shot to finally have a purpose in this hell whole called his life. For the first time in the past 21 years of his life he finally found a reason to live, something to hang on to.

Someone to look up to.

Akhenaton looked at him long and hard. Going over the reasons logically, if what he said is true then there is no reason for him to doubt him, not to mention the fact that they have almost killed him for something that wasn't his fault at all.

"If I were to take you in," he said, "You've to prove yourself first." He smiled.

"Only the best join may join the Royal Guards." He patted the Azar's shoulder. "And if you prove yourself worthy you may even join my personal Royal Guards."

"I'll not let you down!" After looking up at that ethereal being in front of him he looked back down, not believing that it actually worked. He was preparing a long speech inside his head to use as a backup plan. Looks like he won't need it now.

"What is your name young man?" Akhenaton asked with a warm smile on his face.

"Azar Your Holiness."

"Raise Azar." He said. And Azar did what he was told.

"Prepare his training to join the Guards." He said to one of the Guards behind him.

"Yes Pharaoh."

"Now," Akhenaton said, "I must get going. One of my men will come fetch you when the time is right." He turned to be on his way before he halted to look back at the man with similar honey-colored eyes as him.

"Oh and, prepare yourself for the blazing sun of the deserts in Egypt."