Fallen Pieces Back Together

As if fate knew how hard it was on all of them, not only because of the distance between them but also because of the hardship that every one of them had to deal with on his own, time passed quickly.

Despite the fact that 10 years have passed by, it was never enough to make them forget, it only dulled the pain of separation. They held on to the pain and kept on living with it till it became part of them.

Every now and then they would talk about days that has gone by, just like how they are now.

The three young princes were gathering underneath the cherry blossom tree they first met Tari under, nothing much has changed their except for the seating space that they ordered to be build, thinking that if one day Tari would return here they would like her to have a seat instead of sitting on the hard floor.

They still remembered her, and this was the proof. How can they forget her when they are still in touch?

True, that they don't keep in touch as much as they were years ago but, every now and then a message would be sent asking about how they are.

There is only one person they don't know anything about.


Not even close, Ashkan was in touch with them as well.

It was there closest person, the person who was there long before they even knew Tari and Ashkan's existence. Joon Wo.

How long has it been since they gave up on him? 6 years?

They kept sending and sending messages with every messenger that left the city. Writing to him whenever they could, telling him about this and that but, not even one letter was sent as reply.

So, they eventually gave up, thinking that what Queen Eun Ae said was true, he indeed didn't want to hear from them anymore. They don't even know what he looks like now after all this time or how he has been, his name would be mentioned every now and then in Royal court that he is doing a good job in keeping the Wangs under control but that was all.

Nothing but political news and information about their blood related bother.

"Do you think Hyung (Brother) will be here in time for the Chuseok?" Min Jun said all grown up now, his hair was now tied up from his face with bangs one side of his face giving room for his now masculine face to be exhibited. He changed so much in appearance but that change never reached his heart, he was still that sweet gentle boy he was 10 years ago.

(Chuseok is a festival celebrated during harvest time with rituals in respect of their ancestors.)

"When will you give up for god's sake!" Jin Wo snapped catching his brothers off guard making them flinch and look at him in confusion at his sudden raise in tone.

"W-what was that for?" Yu Jun scoffed looking over at his brothers from over the book that was in his hands, which was probably another book about the art of war or management or any of those big majors. He was preparing himself to be announced as the official heir to the throne.

"Just look at the guy Hyung!" Jin Wo pointed at the younger boy, "Just look how he desperately talking about that bastard down south!" he couldn't help but talk about his brother in this way but his brothers knew that he wasn't serious, he felt betrayed and misled by his older brother.

"Joon Wo is still our brother so watch your mouth big guy." Yu Jun said smacking his brother gently on the back of his head as he sat next to him. "I don't know what is keeping him from reaching out but it must be something important."

"Yeah sure, whatever you say." Jin wo said as he rubbed the spot where he was smacked. "Seating for 5 minutes to write a letter need a lot of physical and mental strength." He kept his sarcastic tone as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Yu Jun just sighed, giving up on trying to change his brother. He has grown to be one hell of a stubborn person.

"You know what I want the most?" Jin Wo said breaking the silence that didn't last long, gaining the attention of the young men around him.

"I wish we could invite Tari and Ashkan over for the Ritual.���

Min Jun looked at their oldest with a question mark all over his face. "Is that possible?"

"Will it's not impossible but it's something only the king can do?" Jin Wo replied instead and looked over at the Yu Jun. "Can you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You know," Jin Wo said. "talk this out with His Majesty. He listens to you, you know."

He looked down for a moment giving it a thought, thinking that this can actually work. "I can't guarantee that it will work but, according to…"

"Okay, I get that you will try. No need to give a detailed summary about a book that you've read before." Jin Wo said raising his hand in protest before his brother could get the chance to give them another one of his lectures.

"Then you should get to it right away!" Min Jun said almost kicking his older brother to his feet. "If he agrees they've to send the invitation as fast as possible for them to get here on time!"

"Alright I'm going!" Yu Jun said rolling his eyes, not that he wasn't excited as he was, he was only anxious that this might all end in a disappointment.


It was the first day of the 3rd month of the lunar year. The day that somehow no matter how the weather is, it will still be gloomy and dark for the palace and all the people of Thebes.

The death anniversary of the late Queen Cleopatra.

"Are you ready?" Akhenaton asked his daughter who was now one of the prettiest women in Kemet, just like her mother.

Raven black hair, wide double lid silver eyes and the beautifully tanned skin that went perfectly with her eye color. She now fitted the title of Crown Princess of Kemet and next in line for the throne.

Not that she wasn't fit for the title before, it's just…it was too big for a 11 years old girl. But now, she was no longer a girl, she has turned into a beautiful lady.

"Yes, I'm ready." She said giving her father a reassuring smile before looking ahead to look at the gate that led inside the Valley of Queens were her mother has lied for decades.

Akhenaton nodded, leading the way inside the Valley of Queens with his daughter right by his side while the others waited outside. They all knew that this is a day were the Pharaoh and his daughter would prefer to be alone.

All of them standing outside, missing their beloved Queen. She was a woman loved by many. The day the news spread of her death fell like the apocalypse on their ears.

Akhenaton and his daughter walked beside each other through the narrow hall that led deeper into the temple that was cut inside the cliff, decorated with stories and legends of their ancestors and lives of the Queens before them, it was all drown so carefully and elegantly against the walls.

Before long the sarcophagus where Cleopatra lied was in front of them.

Nefertari bent down placing the offerings that she got in respect for the dead, they didn't want to bother her soul in the afterlife. She has seen enough during her life time.

No one uttered a word, both of them just stood there looking at the coffin and having their own conversation with her in their minds.

"I wish one day you would share this as well with me, Papa." Nefertari said delicately stroking her fingers on the golden Sarcophagus.

Her father shared all his burden with her, he allowed her to help him with the responsibilities he carried on his shoulders. All except this one, her mother's death.

What was known is that she died giving birth to her but the truth was only known by a few people, she wasn't one of them yet.

"When you were young," Akhenaton said. "I thought that you were still to small to take the truth my sweet girl." He smiled weakly not looking her in her silver orbs fearing to be sucked in just like how her mother's silver orbs sucked him in, and he haven't risen since. "But I've come to realize that it was I who was too weak to talk about the truth Tari and I still am."

She looked at him without saying a single word, watching as lone tear escaped his eyes falling down on his sharp cheek bone.

"Then I'll allow you all the time you need, Papa." She smiled at him making him look at her.

"Look at my matured little girl!" He said. "Can you see that Darling? Can you see how beautiful our baby turned out to be?" he looked at the coffin imagining Cleopatra standing there and smiling at them and admiring how well her daughter was bought up.

Nefertari chuckled at her father's act and then she joined him in his imaginary world where her mother is right there in front of them.

Time always stopped for them on this day at this place, they would stand there petrified allowing themselves to mourn freely over their beloved.

"I forgot to tell you something important." Akhenaton said in a low voice not wanting to disturb the dead.

Tari hummed and turned to look at him.

"A letter came in this morning." He said.

She kept looking at her father not knowing what he is talking about.

"An invitation to Korea."