Petals Back Together

The sky was clear and bright with the morning sun, spreading its warmth all over the land beneath its feet. The streets of the Capital Kaesong were almost empty with its people standing on either side of the street making sure to give room for the convoy.

The Kemetian Convoy.

And of course, just like last time, they didn't fail to stun the crowd with their entrance announcing their arrival.

Performers lined the streets on both sides. Fire dancers, snake trainers, dancers, dozens of them moving along with the rhythm that the instruments in the back were playing.

With their Crown Princess sitting in the Hodge (a seat put on camels and other animals for women to travel in for protection.) surrounded by satin curtains from all directions hiding her from the crowd's view.

The king and his two Queens were standing a step behind him at the palace's gate, the princes were on his other side standing side by side descendingly from the oldest to the youngest.

The excitement and happiness could be seen from a mile away, time was never able to dull the bond that was between them despite the long time and distance, though that didn't apply to their brother. They didn't utter a single word other than the greetings they exchanged in front of the king.

Min Jun still had that sad look on his face when he met his older brother again earlier but it was now long forgotten after he saw that celebration on the street knowing that he was minutes away from meeting Tari.

On the other hand, Joon Wo was getting frustrated, worried, anxious and any other feeling that can make a person feel uncomfortable. It was worse than he thought, he thought that he could handle this and he was going to be cool about it but he bloody wasn't!

What did his brothers tell her? What does she think of him now? Was she feeling the same things he was feeling?

A dozen questions came at him like a hurricane making him almost lose his footing. The only thing he could maintain is the poker face.

His face might have forgotten how to show emotions but his heart never did, it just didn't experience any emotions other than I don't give a damn so now that it's doing more work it started to ache. Just like how you feel after you exercise after a long rest.

He almost had a stroke the moment that the Hodge came to a halt and servants rushing to help their Pharaoh and princess, or so they thought. Joon Wo couldn't take his eyes off it for a moment.

Thank god that everyone was doing the same so no one noticed how he looked at it with longing.

"Hyung I can't wait!" Min Jun said to his brother not saying to which brother he was talking to exactly and no one replied knowing that there was no need too.

And so, the satin curtains were pulled aside by two handmaids dressed in the traditional Egyptian style, giving way for their princess to come out.

Joon Wo almost said the words out loud… 'Beautiful'

She looked like something out of this world to him, ethereal. Her raven black hair was curling down her back with golden hair clips scattered randomly in her thick hair with a golden crown with a cobra standing out of it, its eyes were replaced by two diamonds

She was wearing a two pieces dress with the top decorated with a collar that had gemstones over the shoulder and out of it came a thin transparent chiffon cape that was connected to the golden bracelet on her wrist, the skirt was wrapped around her slim waist revealing her stomach and finally the snake bracelet that was twisted around her upper arm.

With that the painting was complete, Joon Wo taking in every detail his eyes lied on not giving heed to anyone that was standing around him.

"BEHOLD!" A man stepped forward. "Crown Princess and next in line for the Kemet Empire Princess Nefertari." He said as loud as he could allowing the people on the streets to adore and admire his future Queen.

Whispers were heard all over. 'look at what she is wearing'

'is that gold?!' 'Kemet must be a well-off empire.' Such comments were the most heard.

"Wait," King Tae said narrowing his eyes in Confusion. "Where is the Pharaoh?"

While they were all busy discussing where might the Pharaoh be, Joon Wo was petrified like a mummy looking at his long-lost friend…and most probably his lover from another Empire.

Tari gave out the warmest smile as she saw them all standing beside each other, giving her the same smile. Except for one of them.

The one dressed all in black that was almost the same shade as his hair making it hard to say how long his hair went over his shoulder. She almost yelped as she got closer and realizing that it was Joon Wo.

The one she missed the most but knew nothing about.

"Greetings Your Highness." King Tae said bowing his head down in curtsy.

"It's been a while, Your Majesty." She grinned as she returned the bow, clearly feeling the gazes and stares coming from the princes.

"If I may ask, where is the Pharaoh?" He asked.

"He had some business to deal with urgently so he couldn't make it. He told me to relay his apology." She said trying to keep the truth about the battle that his father is at a secret because that's what she learned; she learned to keep the empire's business away from anyone who wasn't involved or didn't need to know.

"No need to apologize Princess. Let's go inside you must be tired from the long journey." The king said gesturing for her to come inside.

"Lead the princess to her chambers." He turned to look at his sons who were clearly glad that he bestowed this honor on them and that they are finally going to drop the formalities.

They bowed accepting their father's order and watched him as he walked off and now, their complete attention was on Tari.

"Azar, Canaria," she said looking over her back. "You can go take a rest for today I'm sure you are tired, I'll follow in you a while." They were all too busy before to notice those who were right behind her. Azar looked at her in doubt first, but then decided to follow her order and so did Canaria.

"You guys!" she jumped at them hugging them all tight making sure she got everyone. "I missed you so much!"

They were first shocked with the sudden touchiness but then gladly hugged her back squeezing Joon Wo in between them forgetting everything that happened.

They stayed like that for a while, Joon was getting frustrated as Nefertari was getting a little too reckless making him come in contact with her body which made him flinch.

Saints, how long has it been since he ever talked to a woman let alone touch her?!

And finally, she let go of them looking at them one by one till her gaze met with Joon Wo. They shared it for a moment but a moment felt like an eternity to them.

She couldn't believe how grown up he was now; he has changed from that cute little boy to this handsome man that women in the palace would droll over and he would never look or notice.

"T-Tari, you look so beautiful!" Min Jun said holding his hands together in admiration and sparkles in his eyes.

"You have grown to be so handsome too! all of you" she said with a cute pout on her lips feeling like a proud mother.

"There is a lot of things that I want to share with you." Jin Wo said with an excited grin and held up both his arms in excitement, he was always the most hyped one between them.

"OH! I'm so excited!" she held both his arms and they started hopping around in circles making the others chuckle. It was even able to put a grin on Joon Wo's face which she noticed and realized that this was his first reaction and that he didn't utter a word.

She guessed that there is probably a lot to hear from him since the last time she heard about him was that he was going away and that he didn't want to keep in contact with them.

She could sense the tension between them in how they were either ignoring each other or that they were just trying to avoid an awkward conversation. Tari wasn't going to let this slide.

She was going to pressure them to tell her what is going on even if she had to point a Katana (Japanese sword) at their throat. Because from what she knew about Jooni is that he treasured and loved his brothers and sister too much to do something so absurd as cutting them off.

"It's been a while Tari." Yu Jun said giving her a hug which she returned deeply, feeling something or more like someone digging holes in her back. "I'm glad I persuaded the king that it was a good idea to invite other empires to attend the Chuseok." He laughed after they pulled back from their embrace.

"You did?!" she said eyes wide.

"Yes! Ashkan was invited too!" Min Jun said and started hopping with Tari involuntarily.

"Oh my god! I can't believe we are back together. You guys have grown so much." She said.

They all chuckled weakly as they came to realize as well that Joon Wo has been standing there like a tree not moving, not talking, and barely existing.

"Long time no see Jooni."