Some Brotherly Time!

"Woah!" Tari exclaimed. "I can't believe it's been 10 years since I've been here!" She said getting hold of the first arm that came across her grip as she turned around, and the lucky one was Ashkan. She couldn't believe how the lake and it's surrounding greenery was still the same as it was, though she didn't have that much time to look around due to the commotion that happened back then. Deep down she was hoping that no misfortunes would befall them here again.

Ashkan gladly held her arm as well and they began bouncing in the air with joy exhibited on their similar yet different faces – if that was possible. It was possible now, because of the genuine happiness on their faces. When people smile happily they all look the same, they look happy, and that was what was happening.

Ashkan felt a cold chill coming from behind him, apparently, a certain someone was planning to stare at him to death – if that was even a way to kill someone, well, Joon Wo just invented it and was testing it out on Ashkan.

It wasn't a complete success but, at least Ashkan could decode the death threats in his glare which made him sad. He is always happy being with Nefertari, he always felt that he was being genuine with her without reason. He loved how she ruffled his hair and smiled at him but… he knew that this feeling was not mutual, Nefertari loved Ashkan all too dearly but, not in that way that he was loving her.

"Where are Min Jun and Jae I?" Joon Wo asked the first to notice their absence after he decided to cease his glares at Ashkan thinking that he is being immature – which was true, to be honest.

No one knew about the confession session that the two of them had last night, nor will they ever will.

Only Joon Wo was going to stumble across the truth.

No one needed to reply after they saw the two siblings walking towards them from afar. Min Jun excitedly waved he had in the air to get their attention on their arrival which Tari returned with the same excitement.

"What took you so long!" Nefertari said as she suddenly pulled Jae I to hug – which she didn't do before, so it took Jae I by surprise but then she smiled knowing that this foreign young princess could hold no ill-will towards her. After all, Nefertari is the one who invited her to come saying that she would like a female company as she is surrounded by men on each corner.

Yu Jun came as well as Azar and Jin Wo who was now talking to Min Jun about where he has been these past few days.

"E-eh?" Min Jun stuttered. "N-nothing just had some stuff to take care of with mother."

Jin Wo narrowed his eyes as he took a closer look at his brother, not buying what he is telling him. It was no secret that Queen Eun Ae didn't favor Min Jun but, the poor boy couldn't lie to his brothers any further so, he gave them the truth but not the whole truth. Not until he talks with his brother.

Min Jun subconsciously started staring at Joon Wo as those unpleasant thoughts went through his stressed mind. Joon Wo noticed the little stares while he was talking to Yu Jun – about the investigations of the dead maid, and looked at his brother with a warm smile before excusing himself from his brother.

"It's such a beautiful morning to be talking about corpses and blood, don't you think?" Joon Wo said looking at the sky.

"You are right, let's forget about this for today, shall we?" Yu Jun patted his brother's shoulder before heading to safe Ashkan and Jin Wo from being tormented by Nefertari's evil teases. Leaving Min Jun and his older brother all alone.

"Is there something bothering you, Min-ah?" Joon Wo said sighing as he sat down on the grass. The warmly familiar way that he called his name made Min Jun soften as the nostalgia hit him hard.

"I-I…" Min Jun opened his mouth to talk but he only stuttered. Joon Wo looked at his brother who sat beside him, watching how the morning breeze blows through his hair covering is awfully stressed out face.


"Don't push yourself,"

Min Jun turned his head looking in aw at his older brother who was looking out on to the river, patting his hair gently as if he was made of glass. He found himself staring at the brother he always looked up to, the brother who he always prayed to return to them soon, and never believed that he would abandon them – abandon him, to be exact.

He never believed that the person who sat by his side when he was lying sick in bed would turn his back on him without even saying why. He couldn't help but grin as his trust was proven worthy.

"You can tell me when you are ready, okay?" Joon Wo said in a low comforting tone as he turned his head to look at his younger brother.

Min Jun nodded with a weak smile. "H-how long are you going to stay here?" Min Jun said. "The Wangs are still your adoptive family right?" he was so worried that Joon Wo would disappear again, and who knows when he would return if that happens.

Joon Wo leaned back supporting his weight on the balm of his hands on the grass and his legs stretched out in front of him, humming as he ran the question in his mind. "I don't think you should worry, the Wangs are indeed my adoptive family but I still am the 2nd prince and if my stay here is required by His Majesty then there would be no need for me to go back." He said smiling at his brother, watching as his face brightened up as he talked.

"I am glad you can be with us, Hyung." Min Jun mumbled as he hugged his knees close to his chest.

Joon Wo looking out to the side watching Tari as she ganged up with Yu Jun on the two youngsters with the brightest joyful smile on her face, it made him feel like that if he died now, he would've no regrets.

"Believe me, me too Min-ah. It's good to be back,"