
And so, all the words that couldn't find its way to the world came out at that moment. It came out in between sorrow filled cries and sobs. Min Jun was surprised at the fact that he even had tears left to cry after all those that were shed the nigh before with his sister.

He couldn't bring himself to tell his brother at the lake telling himself that it wouldn't hurt if he was to delay it a little bit, but now, he couldn't delay it any further, the guilt was eating him inside out.

All the locked sensations of guilt and regret fell on a listening ear. Joon Wo stayed calm and silent, giving space for his brother to let everything out.

It was hard to keep his emotions from reaching his face but he was able to pull it off – for the sake of his younger brother. His heart ached even more now than when the moment he felt the suspicion that his brother might be involved in his mother's wicked plans.

His fists clenched hard on his lap turning his knuckled white, his mother didn't only stop at him but she also dragged this poor young-man along with him. He hated the fact that she abandoned Min Jun since he was a child saying that she had no need of weak fragile son, but he has to admit that that was the best thing she ever did for him.

He took care of Min Jun to best of ability when they were young, trying not to make him feel left out which was a success. The proof was how beautifully the young boy grew, he was bestowed with a gentle heart and a warm soul.

But now, Queen Eun Ae is using him as a tool to put Joon Wo on the throne. Another pawn.

"I thought that this was a way to repay for all that you have done for me since we were young," Min Jun sobbed. "b-but, once I k-killed that woman…I came to realize how selfish I'm, I was doing it because I had doubt that mother's words were true, that you will get rid of us all once you are king…I was so stupid."

Min Jun's face was buried in the balm of both his hands, muffing the sound of sobs and sniffs and hiding his swollen eyes. "I still smell the blood on my hands, no matter how hard I tried I tried to was it off." he said struggling through his pants.

Joon Wo looked at his brother's hand, seeing the scratches that was covering it from his attempts to get rid of the smell by harshly rubbing it. Joon Wo held out his hand caressing Min Jun's head while his face was still buried in his balm.

Min Jun raised his head, looking at his Hyung with his mouth agape. "Why aren't you angry?" Min Jun questioned only to get a warm smile from his brother, a smile filled with agony and pain for his little brother.

"H-how can you smile at me after all I've done!" Min Jun yelled hating the sympathy that Min Jun was giving him. "You should be mad at me! You should tell me how disgusting I'm!" he banged his fists on the table as he stood up with his tears falling to hit the ground as he held his head low.

"Min-ah," Joon Wo said in a small voice as if he was trying to get near a frightened cat. "You know that I would never think of you like that, not now, not ever." He stood up walking to his brother.

"You've indeed done something awful," Joon Wo said. "but it's not like I didn't do even more horrible things, things that were forced on me when I was away and I had no choice but to comply."

Joon Wo sighed. "I am sorry that I never made my intentions clear to you, Min-ah," he said. "I never had any intentions of being king, and I most certainly don't have the intention to kill my brothers." He chuckled placing a hand on Min Jun's shoulder.

"I promise you that I would never harm any of you not now and not even when I become king – which won't happen." Joon Wo stated.

He helped his brother sit again, allowing him a few minutes to calm down.

"I'm so sorry for doubting you," Min Jun said.

"That is the tenth time in this minute, Min-ah," Joon Wo chuckled at his brother trying his best to make him feel better.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Min Jun asked. "With mother, I mean,"

Joon Wo sighed. "Let's pretend that I don't know anything about any of this," he said. "you go along with the training as well and come tell me whenever you have any news, alright?"

Min Jun nodded. He couldn't believe how blessed he was at that moment; he was so afraid of this moment yet it was the only thing that made him feel better. He regretted that he didn't trust his Hyung sooner.

"I've to go now, I've something to take care of," Joon Wo stood up and ruffled his brother's hair before leaving.

Now he had another big thing to take care of and that is the little misunderstanding with Azar, he didn't know how he will defend him in front of the king without mentioning that his brother and mother were involved.

That was this, but there is also the part that he is a traitor plotting to get rid of Nefertari. What utter none sense is this? He thought.

Nefertari always talked about how he was always with her all this time, saving her from many attempts to get killed. What bothered him more was Lady Hye's words the hit man was a man in red.

Saints, more than half of the palace wears red!


"Hello there! Princess,"

Nefertari stopped to look behind her at an unknown man, she was on her way to His Majesty's chambers after resting her mind a little to be able to keep up with whatever comes next.

"I apologize but I don't think I know you,"