All Part OF The Plan.

And so…

The day of the hunt was upon them faster than they hoped, with no progress what so ever in the investigation for the murder of the maid or who is behind it, as Joon Wo made sure that no one follows any lead to connect it to his brother or his mother.

Tari was also still waiting for the reply that she sent her father a couple of days ago in order to put an end to her doubt. Was Azar really under Akhenaton's nose all these years and he had no idea? She highly doubted the possibility.

"Princess," Canaria called out pulling Nefertari out of her line of thought.

"Y-yes?" Nefertari flinched looking at her handmaid through the mirror.

"I'm done with your hair," Canaria stated, pointing at Nefertari's hair that was now held in a ponytail by a golden clip, to keep her hair from getting in the way of her hunt. "I'm seriously getting worried about you, I think it's for your good that you excuse yourself from this hunt, princess,"