Shall We Save a Princess? Pt.2

"Did you hear that?" Joon Wo said as he turned his horse around in the direction of the sound.

"Hear what?" Jin Wo replied without much attention as he was focusing on getting his next pray.

"Clashing of swords," Joon Wo murmured.

"Why would someone spar in the middle of the hunt?" Jin Wo puzzled with his eyebrows frowned.

Joon Wo thought the same as his brother, thinking that it might've just been the clattering of branches or something. Turning his horse around to follow his brother, and…clash, the sound roared through the air again.

"Okay, this is not my imagination!" Joon Wo said pulling on the reins and dashed off in the direction of the sound, leaving his brother confused on to what is happening.

"Hyung! Wait for me!" Jin Wo yelled but it was too late as Joon Wo was already out of his earshot. "You can't go into battle alone, sheesh!"