I’m Still Here You Know.

"Did he wake up?" Joon Wo said as he shut the door behind him, walking to stand behind Nefertari who was sitting next to Azar's bed. She has been in the same position since the doctor allowed visitors.

Nefertari shook her head with a weak grin looking at him over her shoulder and then turned back to look at Azar who was sleeping too peacefully as if all the sleepless nights he had is finding its way back to him. He has been sleeping for 2 days now. "He is sleeping too peacefully," She murmured as she pulled back a strand of his golden hair that found its way to cover his face.

"The doctors said he will be wake up soon," He reassured her placing a hand on her shoulder. She smiled warmly at him and placed her hand on top of his and gestured for him to take a seat next to her which he gladly did.

"Are you okay?" he said worriedly as he looked at her worn-out face, she hasn't slept since the hunt, with her mind a mess waiting for her father's reply, it should arrive any day now.