A Person’s Greatest Weakness

"I hope my knights took good care of you down there," Akhenaton said, if the devil had a voice, it would sound like this. Husky and dark, almost as if it's feeding on the fear that's emitting from the woman in front of him. Woman or man, it made no difference.

Aleah didn't reply, her fear took the better of her, all she could do was stare at the pharaoh in front of her with a trembling mouth.

"Did you take out her tongue?" The pharaoh asked innocently as if it was nothing.

"No, Your Holiness," Jaffar replied in the same tone he always used. Seeing the two of them like this is more than enough to send fear crawling down people's bodies.

"Alright then, since you have your tongue," Akhenaton said turning back to look down at her. "I suggest you use that mouth of yours. Where did that long tongue go? The one that spoke of all secrets that reside within this palace."

"M-mercy…Your Holiness," That was all she could do, beg for her life.