Sick Prank

The day was silent in the physician's wing, like every other day – that was until a woman appeared followed by five Royal knights asking for the one and only female-nurse working there. That nurse was Na Rae, a young girl with soft features that made a hammering heart rest.

"May I ask why you want me?" Na Rae asked as she looked at the maid who was staring right at her. But, whatever this is, it wasn't something that she was looking forward to.

"You will know later on," the woman stated. " Now, please follow me." She gestured for two men to get the startled looking Na Rae. But she knew better than to fight back. The two men escorted her to walk in between them, they walked through the hallways with her in the middle of the five knights and the head maid ahead of them as she leads the way to only gods where.