Bird’s Nest Equals Beautiful.

"Princess," Canaria called out for the fourth time. "Princess!!" she got tired of raising her voice so she finally approached her princess and shook her by the shoulder, bringing her back from her daydream that was lasting longer than it should.

"Y-yes," Nefertari said as she looked at her maid not knowing what is going on.

"I have been calling you for 10 minutes now!" Canaria said. "It's time to get dressed, or do you want to meet Prince Joon Wo in your undergarments? It's completely…" Before she could finish her sentence Nefertari jolted up and yanked the outfit from her maid's hand and went to change.

"S-Stop being ridiculous!" Nefertari said as she walked, Canaria can see the pink tint that started to form on her face making her chuckle to herself.

"What?" Canaria questioned mockingly. "It's normal you know at this age." She didn't plan to drop this any time soon.