Is It That Celestial Being?

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Ashkan said, his voice broken apart into several pieces as he crumbled the paper with one hand and tossed it to the side.

"How can you believe so blindly that I'm good enough to…" he stopped midway as he turned his head to look at Darsameen as her chest rose and fell in a calm rhythm sleeping peacefully. "that I'm good enough to take care of someone like her."

He had that urge that he wanted to strock away that one strand of brown that lost it's way from the rest of her hair and fell across her cheeks. But he stopped himself, he felt that he didn't even have the right to touch her. Because, if the tables were to turn, would he like his brother's killer to caress his hair as he slept? Obviously no. But, what if the killer was feeling like how Ashkan did? Was it going to make a difference?

Was it going to make her brother's death less painful? Did it give him the right to still believe that he is a good person?