Lost For Words, Being King? Not Gonna Happen!

"H-Hyung?!" Joon Wo exclaimed as he stumbled back to bump into Nefertari who was looking back and forth between the two brothers, not understanding what's happening.

"W-What are you doing here!" Joon Wo said, his eyes trying to avoid his older brother's.

"I never left, I had to know how everything went back there with you and Min-ah," Yu Jun said. "But we will get to that later. Now, tell me. Is this the reason that you didn't allow me to go inside your room?" he pointed at Tari who was dumbfounded as she looked back and forth between them. Wondering if it has been a few days since she slept not only a little over an hour.

"How could you possibly think that!" Joon Wo lied, his confidence shooking to everyone.

"I'm still here you know," Tari said from behind Joon Wo, he was hiding most of her from view. "What's going on?"

"Joon-ah just didn't let me in, I guess it's because you were inside?" Yu Jun said.