The Son Growing Up.

"What?" Javid hissed, his hands clenching beside him. Whatever power he had to hold himself back from letting his demons out on his father was now long gone. "You are nothing like him!" he spatted out every word like the poison he meant them to be.

But The King's skin was thicker than that, there was no way such words were going to have an effect on him. "You know that such words can't work on me, son," Farzad said.

"The news has been proven by our soldiers there," Bijan said turning his head to look at Javid with hate in his eyes. "If you don't believe then how about you go ask your beloved son!"

Javid didn't allow himself to believe the same person that he embraced before he left is the same person that was responsible for the death of one of his own soldiers. The king was running a hand through his bread with a smirk displayed on his thin lips.