The Moment Of Creation, The Creation Of Reality!

Nefertari turned around upon hearing a familiar yet strange voice. It was so sweet like honey, and warmth, it was filled with deepness. It made goosebumps spread all over her arms.

She turned for her eyes to meet the most beautiful woman she has ever lied eyes on. The woman was familiar to her, but she just couldn't put her hands on who she is familiar to. She had long hair that went beyond her back, an almost see through satin dress, and what cought her attention, even more, were those silver eyes that looked just like hers. She can swear that they are the same shade.

"Who are you?" She said. She meant for the question to come out as a whisper but it came out loud enough for the mysterious beautiful woman to hear and echoed all over the place as if they were in the middle of an empty room.

"I guess you were too young to remember me," The woman said in a sweet voice, a sad smile displayed on her flawless face.