They Are Up For A Big Surprise!

The knock on the door lasted for a second before it flung open to reveal one of the king's advisors.

"Everything is ready, Your Highness," He said, holding his head low as he spoke. "Are you ready?"

Joon Wo looked at his reflection in the mirror, and still, like a while ago, he didn't recognize the reflection. Except now that he is wearing the outfit that his brother gave him, he got to say that he has forgiven him just a little bit. After all, for how long are they going to stay mad at each other?

Joon Wo took another look, eying himself from his head to his heels, the first coat was almost a shimmery black coat that was partially hidden by another matte black layer of clothing. A belt that is almost invisible from how it matches those colors were wrapped around his waist. He took a deep breath before saying, "I'm ready," he said turning around to look at the older man.