The Feeling of Lust, The Feeling of Yearning.

(Read AUTHOR'S note!)

And they both knew what was supposed to happen right at that moment. Even Nefertari, the slow-witted girl when it comes to her feelings as well as others. But, that sensation that she was sharing with him was so strong that she had no other choice but to understand it and drown in it acceptingly.

She saw how he was holding back himself from doing something that he shouldn't which took the last bit of sense he had in himself. So, she reassured him that it was okay with crashing her lips on his. Kissing like there was no tomorrow, their lips moving together like a rhythm that's meant to be…like they were meant to be. Almost as if both their lips were carved by god for each other.

They kissed a couple of times, but it was nothing like this. They pulled hard on each other, fearing that the other will disappear if they let go.