Fight And Make Up!

It wasn't like how they thought it would be, the days that passed by like the wind wasn't anything like those days before the departure day. Somehow, everyone found that they are busier, more worried. With Akhenaton not sending a word, and Jaffar not replying to any of the letters that were sent this past month, maybe more.

Nefertari was hit with a shock of anxiety that made her unable to feel any of the addicting sensations that she used to feel with her beloved Jooni. Jooni himself wasn't as available as he used to be before, now that he is Crown Prince the work seemed to have doubled.

He barely has time to sleep, and during the time when he should be asleep, he spends it with Nefertari. It ached his heart how she couldn't enjoy the small time that they have together because of the worry that she had for her father.