The Maid Is The Cause Of All This!

And for the first time in a while, they all sat together like how they used to around the dining table that was lying in the middle of the room. The morning light softly coming through the windows that were on the side, warming up the room that was filled with the chills from the long cold nights.

Somehow today was the day that they were all able to spare each other sometime. Everyone was dealing with something big or was just not feeling that he can talk with others. Today was what you call a transition, the day where you wake up feeling sick of how horrible things are for you lately, and in the end, you decide to challenge time, fate, or whatever you can call that. You wake up telling yourself that this is it, I 'm no longer going to allow myself to get pushed over by time. You make your destiny, you decide if you want to be sad or not… Your happiness is in your hands.