The Games.

The queen felt threatened for a moment, her instinct has gotten the best of her. "How dare a Knight talk – " she almost hissed out loud only to be stopped by the single move from the king's hand. She turned her attention to him, protesting silently that he stopped her from talking. 

How dare you humiliate me like this! the Queen screamed inside herself. She felt threatened in front of all those people who thought so highly of her.

You want to cause a war with Kemet! the king eyed her with a glare. But it was soon gone. "I think that he is doing the right thing," said the King. "it's better to be safe than sorry." He chuckled at the end to try and prevent the dinner from going all wrong. 

The Queen scoffed silently. "Thank you, Your Majesty," Nefertari replied instead, gesturing for Azar to stand down. Azar cleared his throat and carried to the spoon that has been standing midway in the air to his mouth.