Nothing Like Her!

"Don't even get it started, Papa," Nefertari said with a sigh. "God, how do they walk in this thing!" she tried fixing her Hanbok but in the end, she gave up.

"It's already late," said Aton. "you should head to bed." He ruffled her hair with a gentle smile that she returned. He gestured for Canaria to follow her, Canaria bowed and rushed after Nefertari. 

Akhenaton was now free to focus on Azar. "I hope you got me some useful information," he said with a smirk. 

"Well," Azar said. "I did pick up some interesting information but, I have no idea if they are going to be of any use to you, Pharaoh. You did after all keep what I'm looking for a secret." He raised a brow. 

Akhenaton smirked, turning to look behind him to make sure that his daughter wasn't within earshot. "Shall we take this outside," said Aton pointing to the back.