King and Queen From Opposite Sides of Earth.

"Well, well," he said. "Look who we have here."

Nefertari sighed and scoffed. Looking at her father who was awaiting her at the door to her room. Shooting daggers from his eyes at the man next to her. "Papa," she sighed. "Whatever you're doing in your head, stop it." she gestured towards Joon Wo was cold sweating as he tried to avoid the Pharaoh's killer's gaze. You are scaring him. she eyed him. Not that she was embarrassed or anything no, he had every right to be scared of this man who is the greatest emperor of all times…who also happens to be her father. Such hard luck…

Joon Wo bowed in greeting. "I apologize for keeping her out for long, Pharaoh," he said formally.