The Beginning of His Time.

The knock on the door, the steady rhythm of the Pharaoh's knuckles on the door was enough to send goosebumps creeping down Nefertari's arms. He still didn't say that it was him yet…but she could feel his presence on the other side. The presence that she has been waiting for this entire week. She sat by the door every day, every night, every hour of each day by the door waiting to feel her father. 

She couldn't even begin to describe how she felt when one whole day passed and he was still not there by her side to comfort her like he always does. Squatting down next to her to apologize for the none sense that he has just thrown at her. But…she knew that those hurtful words contained nothing but the painful truth that he has been carrying all these years alone. She can't say that she understood everything that has happened but, she can now draw a blurred yet clear image of the whole story.