Truth Finally Told.

The words echoed in Nefertari's ears the same as they did on the walls that were starting to cool down from the chills that were radiating all over the place. Nefertari stared long and hard at her father who was avoiding her gaze by looking at his feet on the floor. The brown tight curls falling over his forehead covering most of his face, keeping his expression off display. 

He just realized that talking about Javid was just as hard – if not harder than talking about his wife. When he thinks of Javid the only thing that he remembers is the way he betrayed him to gain favor with his father, and even that he failed at. The only thing that was gained from this monstrous act was that Nefertari lost her mother, and he lost…he lost his everything. 

"Father say something!" She exclaimed as she leaned forward trying to get a better view of her father. "What do you mean that he knew everything?!"