The Most Righteous.

"Ready the Army," the King finally said. "This is an official warrant from the Royal Court of Goryeo! Assemble the army." His voice echoed on the walls of the red and gold-themed room. 

Surprisingly, the Nobles were firm to stand. No objections were heard. Joon Wo could saw the determination in their eyes, his simple yet true words have had an impact on the otherwise cold-hearted nobles. 

But they knew that only truth was hiding behind their crown prince. Joon Wo, as well as the Pharaoh, thought that finally everything was set straight. Just as their hearts were beginning to settle down, a voice rose from the very back of the courtroom. "Isn't their prince here?" said the voice,  its owner was hidden behind the wall of nobles. 

Nefertari's head shot up as she heard these poisonous words. "This is only going to cause more conflict," she uttered under her breath. She glanced over at her father who was standing still with an almost blank face.