The Unexpected Meeting.

Idan knocked on the door slowly, having a feeling deep inside him that little Darsy would still be sleeping so early in the morning. He was hesitant himself throughout the way but he has already made up his mind by the time that he got to the door to Ashkan's chambers. 

The news that he got from Heath in Persia wasn't something that could wait. 

Idan snapped out of his trance as he heard the rustle that was going on inside the chamber, till he finally heard the footsteps coming towards him as he took a step back to allow the door to open. A second later, Ashkan was standing, clearly just woke up from the knocking.

"What is it, Idan?" Ashkan said his sleepy voice was tainted with worry and shock from his sudden presence. "Is everything okay? Did something happen?" He flooded the man with questions as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes forcing himself awake.