I Would Rather Become A Memory.

The gates to the palace pulled open, allowing the three mounts inside. Akhenaton was in the front while Joon Wo and Azar right behind him. Nefertari was standing with his brothers waiting for their arrival all morning.

All they knew was that the three of them rushed out of the gates telling nothing to no one. Leaving the rest in questioning as they doubted the rumors that fell on their ears as they heard the maids whisper all over the palace. 

Nefertari hurried over to her father as he got off his white horse. 

"Papa!" she said, it has been a while since she called him that. "Is it true?! Persia is already here? Do they know that you are here!"

"One question at a time please," he sighed as he adjusted his cape, taking his time to look at his daughter's anticipating look. "Yes, they are here."