The Light of Dawn

And there was the moon high up in the sky, shifting slowly in the sky giving way to the light of dawn to crack the sky. The sky was a shade of blue, not dark enough to darken the ground beneath it but enough to lighten the way to the soldiers in the field to find their formation upon the battlefield. 

Akhenaton was atop his white horse with Joon Wo on his side. Both ready to carry out the plan that they have planned. During every second of it, the Pharaoh made sure to repeat that every corner of the palace just has men guarding it at every second. The look on his daughter's face that flashed against the back of his mind, made him want nothing more than to know that she is going to be safe.

The mere thought that someone might touch a strand of her hair was enough to make his blood boil in anger. He tightened his fists on the leather reins. Watching the black line of the foe out in the horizon as the men spread out along both sides of the battlements.