No Sacrifices, I’m Victorious.

C crazy over his mind as he walked into the halls of the palace. The events of last night when he met Bijan was going over and over in his mind, thinking that he might have acted too fast in agreeing on this. 

He was literally inside the enemy's den and he was plotting against them, right under their noses. As Ebrahim's mind roamed, he was still aware of the glares that he was getting from the nobles around him. He was sure that if it wasn't for their fear of the Pharaoh, they wouldn't have hesitated to have his head off along with the rest.

That same Pharaoh that was the only thing holding them back, was the same person he was asked to plot against. He sighed deeply, as he scanned the corridor. He still couldn't think of a way that would allow him to roam freely under their noses without being suspicious. He shrugged off the doubt, there was no room for it right now. He was dead either way, but at least like this, he would die trying.