
Ryoko strode down the alleyway that she had just paved with fresh blood, dragging her hand along the concrete walls to add a bit of... flavor. Her scissors hung loosely in her grip, still dripping blood.

𝓚𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶, 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓡𝔂𝓸𝓴𝓸...

It was Mother's voice, so sweet and warm in her head. She had always been there for her, comforting and saying the words she needed to hear. Mother was always with her.

Father was just a liar. Mother hadn't died all those years ago and the loving voice in her head, helping to improve Ryoko's courage was her. She hadn't left. Though liars aren't just, Mother had always stated that family is to be protected. So, no matter what, he would be safe from her judgment.

"I've already killed them, " she grinned, speaking aloud, "Every single one of those diseases is gone. Humans who committed wrongdoings shouldn't live, after all. The world needs to stay pure, like you, Mother."

Hearing the sound of sirens nearby, she picked up her pace, moving into the shadier parts of the alleys to hide. Finally, she moved a grate on the street beside, dropped in, and moved it back over her. Still, she couldn't stop moving. They could be using dogs or she could've left behind a trail of blood.

Going through the sewers like usual, she moved down the pathways naturally as she had long learned to memorize the pathways since being on the run. After all, almost a year of killing at least a person a day made her learn quite a few things.

Reaching her destination, the opening under the bridge that led to the river, she hopped out to wash off her favorite pair of scissors. By the way she hummed sweetly while doing so, some might think that she wasn't a wanted serial killer.

She could even recount her first day of mass murder with a nostalgic smile on her face, as though it was an achievement.

They were students that dared to bully her, corrupted to the very core. Kyoko hadn't even done anything, yet they picked on her and harassed her for being 'weird.' Of course, at the beginning she just endured, hoping that some sort of justice come or that they'd realize that what they were doing was wrong.

Father never even asked about her wounds either, but she didn't really mind. He gave her space while she did the same. It was their own mutual agreement.

However, the bullying continued on and nothing changed with the silence of her peers. That was when she realized two essential things. No one was going to bring justice about them, and no one was going to change.

So, Ryoko would have to become the harbinger of justice, protecting people from being victims of the corrupted people, victims such as herself.

On a day that everyone was there, she brought her scissors and stole the keys to lock the doors. Locking one, she went through the other door and smiled with her sharp school utensil in hand. Then locking from the inside, she started her killing spree, ruthlessly fatally stabbing the students around as quickly as she could. Ryoko ignored the bloodcurdling screams as she easily silenced them with one stab.

She wasn't much of an idiot to get caught either. No, she had only just started in that classroom with her purge. So, she changed into clothes that she had prepared beforehand and brought the bloody clothes as she escaped through the window. They were only on the first floor, so all she had to do was run, especially since people were banging on the doors and trying to get in.

Now she was multiple prefectures away and surviving off the 'funds' that she acquired from the people she murdered. The dirty would go toward her funding for the continuation of her purification since she needed to keep living to keep doing so.

People should be thankful for her, doing the work that no one was willing to do. Ryoko was an apostle of justice, sacrificing her own well being for others. It was selfless work.

𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓮𝓷𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱... 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓮.

"I'm sorry, Mother, " she apologized, "I'll get more tomorrow."

Kyoko continued along, digging through her backpack for another disguise to go to a fast food place or convenience store. Changing, she rubbed the bloody marks off her body and blood off of her clothes.

She did remember that someplace for food wasn't too far away. Pulling her hood down and sunglasses on, she entered the place that advertised fried chicken on the front window. "Number one combo, please."

She paid, her food not coming out too much longer.

Chewing absentmindedly, Ryoko didn't notice it when someone sat across from her. "Hello, what's a girl like you doing out at this time of night?"

It was sometime past midnight, definitely past her bedtime for someone her age. "My mother was a bit demanding today... and I got hungry."

Still eating with an unfazed expression, she carefully analyzed him through her sunglasses. Even with the greeting question, she could tell that the man wasn't a lecher and was maybe asking a genuine question.

"What could your mother have asked to keep you up so late?" he asked incredulously, eyebrows raised.

"No, no no... Everything my mother asks from me is for my benefit. She hates evil things."

"... Evil things?"

Ryoko then clamped her mouth shut, realizing that she had judged the man too soon. Whoever was sitting in front of her was smooth, way too smooth of getting answers. She had almost answered him by his casual attitude.

She wasn't that desperate for a friend that she'd trust them instantly.

"Ah, she doesn't like me speaking about it... But she helped me through some tough times, always being with me, " she smiled, always soft when it came to her mother.

"Where is she now?"

Narrowing her eyes, she glared at him. "Why do you need to know where my mother is?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. "It just seems irresponsible to have someone your age be out at this hour."

"It's none of your concern, sir, and I suggest that you don't speak bad about my mother. She's the only person that has been by my side."

"My bad, my bad, " he sheepishly smiled, "I didn't mean to offend you."

Taking one more look at him, she got up and swung her bag over your shoulder. "It was nice... chatting with you, but I should take my leave."

Ryoko dumped whatever was left on her tray in the trash, tugging her hood down further as she went down the road to the next place she would go to. Patting her pocket, she could feel a familiar sense of safety as her hand made out the outline of her scissors.

It was her Holy Weapon.

Buzzing with energy and a bit irritation with her earlier encounter, she walked along the ditch on the side of the road. Although she wanted to take some food to go, the man had spoiled her appetite and attitude.

Still, when was the last time she had a conversation that long and polite with someone? Ryoko couldn't even recount one time.

Suddenly, a bright light fell upon her figure in the midst of the darkness and the familiar click of a gun was heard. Ryoko froze, mind spinning at a hundred thoughts a second.

She had finally been caught.

"Put your hands in the air and turn around. Slowly."

She did as they said, flinching at the bright light that flashed into her eyes. Really, her mood was becoming sour by the second.

"Move up onto the road."

At gunpoint, she had no other choice to comply. It wasn't that she scared, but she needed an opening to escape. If she died there, no one else would finish the mission she had started for the sake of mankind.

Finally, now that the light wasn't shining directly on her, she could make out the two police officers that captured her. One was the man that she had met earlier. Ryoko cursed herself from not taking her gut feeling that seriously, but who would've expected a cop to enter a fast food place that late at night?

She allowed them to attach the cuffs behind her back and was forced to kneel on the ground as they called for back-up.

"So, you knew who I was, " she gritted out, "And what, are you going to tell me that Mother isn't alive? That she's just a figment of my imagination?!"

He did question her quite a lot about Mother. He also disrespected her with negative intentions. She hated it when people said that she was dead. Clearly, from the sound of her voice, she was somehow alive and communicating to her.

"... So it's true that she's psychotic, " the other officer murmured above a harsh whisper, "Do you think she'll be able to claim mental disability? She killed so many people..."

Ryoko laughed aloud, "Did you do any research on the people I killed? The classroom of students... I waited for them to change and show some goodness before acting out, but they stayed the same. In the future, they would've been worse by staying in silence and putting down others, which is why I prevented the world from being corrupted further. From there on, I've killed people that have committed things such as rape, murder, drug selling, human trafficking, and robbery. I'm doing a favor by ridding those impure beings from the world."

"A favor?! You killed them!"

Her expression turned cold while looking at the other officer, "And what? Have them rot in jail and take up government money that can be used to help those in need? Give them sentences for their crimes that they will end up repeating when they're out of jail? Don't make me laugh. Your system is just as crooked as the people involved."


The officer she knew raised his hand for silence. "Human beings can change."

𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓶, 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰.

"Lies!" Ryoko hissed venomously, "Then why has Mother been the only one by my side? Why hasn't Father shown any affection for me? Why don't I have a friend yet? From all my years I have lived, I've tried to befriend people but not even one person showed interest... Explain it."

"... I'll be your friend?"

"What are you talking about!? She's a psycho."

Her eyes grew glassy for a moment and her regular breaths paused. Inside was the yearn to accept such a saying, to finally have her desire fulfilled. From all other earthly wants, she had just wanted a sliver of recognition as the person she was, not with any distaste or avoidance. Ryoko had always, always wanted to be accepted.

𝓛𝓲𝓮𝓼, 𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼, 𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼.

To say that she didn't know that what the officer had suggested to be a lie was an understatement. Ryoko knew full well that they would never be able to accomplish a friendship along the lines of normal and would just be thrown into jail. She would more than likely never see the kind officer before her ever again, but those words... they resonated deep within. "What..."

He knelt down before her, offering a smile with no hidden agenda. It was something pure, something that she herself wanted across all the pure people in the world as soon as the people that harbored evils perished.

Holding out his hand, he asked, "Is that a yes?"

Mother was unhappy for sure, her whispers becoming more bloodthirsty by the second, but Ryoko ignored it for the first time. Wasn't the man before her one of the ideal citizens of their utopia?

Hand stretched out, she hesitated a bit before reaching in to grab his hand. However, she never was able to seal their deal on their odd 'friendship', if it could even be called that.

Pain shot through her shoulder and the officer's face slowly formed an expression of shock. Clutching the bullet hole wound tightly, Ryoko hissed out and pain and looked to see from where it was shot from.

In the dark night, the seemingly hundreds of red and blue lights blinded her eyes, to the point where she couldn't look up.

"Officer Tachibana!" a new voice called out with a sense of urgency, "Are you okay!? She didn't do anything to you, did she!? Step away now while you have the chance!"

The kind officer, who she now knew as Tachibana, slowly stepped back with a guilty look in his eyes. "I... I apologize."

It was directed at Ryoko, who was in turn a bit confused on why he was the one apologizing in the first place. He wasn't the one that hurt her.

"Alright, " the new person, who she recognized to be the chief of police by his wear, ordered, "Make sure those cuffs on tight boys. We can't be too careful with her hidden weapons either. People reported that she uses scissors... Have you confiscated them?!"

"N-not yet, sir."

"Well, get down to it, " he barked, "From what we know, she could just start going on a killing spree."

Ryoko's heart sped up as her cuffed hands immediately patted her pocket for her scissors. They were going to take it from her, her weapon of justice, her protection... It was the item that contained her favorite memories of her mom snipping through her hair, lovingly running her hand through her long locks. They were going to rob her of it.

Gritting her teeth, she forced her joints to move, speedily making them go from under her legs, to her pocket, and straight to her neck. "If you want to take my scissors from me, I'll kill myself. I was just doing the world justice, but if humans long to fall into depravity so much... so be it. You need me alive for the 'fame', right? I mean who doesn't want to be known as the officer that jailed a young girl that took it upon herself to kill murderers, rapists, dealers, and other notorious titles?"

Ryoko smiled wildly, pulling the scissors closer to her neck to the point where it drew blood. "Just a bit more and blood will pour down like rain from my slit throat. Now, what will you do, officers?"

The police that had arrived with the police chief tensed up, their bodies stiff as they pointed their guns at her. "S-sir, what do we do?"

Tachibana pursed his lips, moving a bit closer to Ryoko, in which she unconsciously moved a step backward. However, he took it as the initiative to try and move closer to her.

"What are you doing?" she scowled, smile dropping.

He had moved within an arms length of her, close enough to where she could easily stab him fatally. Ryoko couldn't understand why someone fearful of her would be in such close proximity. Then again, he never seemed fearful of her from the start.

𝓡𝔂𝓸𝓴𝓸, 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓲𝓶.

She flinched at the voice, so loud and demanding in her head, unlike the relaxing coo she was used too. With a glance up at the officer, she took a couple of quick steps back from him. "Stay away..."

Ryoko didn't understand what was up with Mother now. He was the most ideal, yet she was demanding to kill him. It was unprecedented, unreasonable to kill a pure human. It would go against everything she was working so hard to prove. Unless...

𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰, 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵.

She had let Mother fall into that state. Thinking back more and more on it now, her voice had actually morphed into the sinister and bloodthirsty voice she heard then, but she didn't notice it.

As much as she didn't wish to admit it, Mother had changed. It was all Ryoko's fault.

"You passed the purity exam, " Ryoko smiled jovially but somehow sorrowfully, "I wish we had met sooner and maybe things would've turned out differently. You were right though. People can change... and Mother did."

At first, his expression was rather happy, but then it morphed into something more critical and serious. What she had meant by those words was not positive. She had misunderstood what he had meant.

"I was unable to protect Mother, " she added on with a frown, "and now I will get what I deserve in Hell for not being a filial daughter. Thank you."


It was too late, Ryoko had shoved the blade of the scissors in deep enough, hitting her trachea. All she could see then was blood and darkness creeping up on the edges of her vision.

Mother's voice finally fell silent.

She spiraled downwards, down, down, down into the black oblivion. Ryoko couldn't see a thing but could feel some invisible entities pulling on her, the weight of her sins.

From the start of bringing along her Utopia, Ryoko thought that it was best to carry on the sins of those she killed, purifying their souls the moment she released them from their physical bodies.

Down, down, down she went along the road of hardships with the voice in her head that she presumed to be her mother. The coffin that had her body in it? It was empty and had no soul.

Mother's soul resided in Ryoko... had resided.

She could still see herself back in those days, yearning for affection that would never come. Things should've been different for her tragic life, but it had always remained a tragedy.

As she continued falling, she had clung to the ideals of her mother, not realizing that the world she was surrounded in was warping those very same beliefs. The candle that she had light was no longer the same bright color as before, but how could she have noticed the minuscule, daily changes?

Her first life was a total catastrophe where she tried to play God, but what of her second life and the ideals she had learned and carried over with her?

As a light comes at the end of the tunnel, the long and seemingly un-ending tunnel was finally getting its first few rays of light.

Though what she meets in that light, may not be what she's hoping for.