
"One-two-three, one-two-three, step, pivot, " her dance teacher Countess Aveline rattled off, hands clapping promptly.

Hugging the air, Leonora's feet stepped in the way that she was being taught, her feet smoothly executing all of the steps. Her morning dress fluttered as she spun on her heel, purple hair lifting in the air in the meantime.

Every single order the Countess snapped at her echoed in the empty ballroom, nothing prepared as there wasn't a need to do so. Even stripped down of all the decorations and glamors of ballgowns, the room still had a venerable presence. From the architectural structures and accents of priceless jewels, it was something to marvel at.

"Good, good, " Countess Aveline preened, fan snapping shut as it hit her palm, "You've done a stellar job in learning all of the ballroom dances. I daresay that in a couple of months I won't have anything more to teach you."

"You praise me too much, " she smiled humbly, "It's because I have such a wonderful tutor helping me every step of the day."

She puffed up in pride, her ego always easily inflated. The woman was easy to fetch over to Leonora's side after a few lessons with her. The Countess was a proud woman but loved the attention and praises of others also. Leonora showing exceedingly well skills in dance would also reflect greatly on Countess Aveline.

The woman was much of a gossiper too in the noble wives' community. No one couldn't recognize the sharp-eyed woman whose eyes gleamed like emeralds when hearing any tantalizing information. Even her high up-do hair, which would normally look messy but had been hidden under a large, lacy hair ornament.

Not to mention she was a party-goer that would spark others' interest in going. She held a lot of power over who would attend a specific person's party of not. Just earning her favor was enough to have more dogs at your feet.

"I wish that my children could be like you, " she cooed, "You're so well-mannered and mild-tempered. To think that mine are near the same age..."

They had settled down at the back parlor, a place for closer guests of the Wynard household. A maid had already prepared snacks and tea ahead of time as it was all scheduled. After each lesson, Leonora would build upon the foundation of the relationship that they had.

"All children mature differently. I would say that I'm the abnormal one out of all the children."

"Yes, well, you certainly have your reasons but you've chosen to better yourself through them. To compare yourself to a child is rather unfair, isn't it? You practically act like an adult now."

Had she also mentioned that the Countess had a loose tongue?

Violet eyes looking downward in a tinge of sorrow, she bitterly replied, "Yes, I've forced myself to mature for the betterment of my household. Can't have my brother do all the work, can I?"

She managed to weakly smile to the blond woman, quickly masking her true emotions.

Yes, it was hard to admit that she was powerless, unable to accomplish anything after working so hard. Leonora had promised to protect her family, it was her duty to risk everything... yet she could only achieve nothing.

While bedridden, her mother, who she hadn't been able to see since the reincarnation, contracted a severe illness. Father, a great practicer of water magic, had tried his best to heal, but nothing worked. Priests were even brought in to try but again, their powers were worthless.

It was like some unknown force was working against her in trying to fulfill her own life's mission, something she dedicated her whole being to do. Though her mother would now be able to escape the darkness and corruption of the world before it was too late, she didn't want it to end that way.

Nothing would replace Mother, her guiding light in her darkness, but she couldn't sit around. By accepting her identity as Leonora De Viona Wynard, she accepted all of the responsibilities that came with it.

Dismissing her tutor, Leonora walked down the usual corridor that she always seemed to venture to, the same wing that her mother inhabited. As always, a couple of guards stood outside the door, hands ready to grab their sword in case of an emergency.

They bowed to her in acknowledgment, already used to her lingering around for a while. Still, no matter how longingly she gazed at the door, the young lady would leave, turning tail in her cowardice. No one could blame her though.

It was obvious that Leonora's condition had caused the Madam to fall into such a weakened state. If she entered, who knows how worse the illness would progress? At the same time, there was a chance that the woman inside could recover. It was a gamble and not something that she wished to risk yet.

She had already killed Mother. Adding another on the list was never in the plans.

Taking her leave, her high-heels clacked down the corridor. A couple of maids passed her by, quickly bowing before returning to their duties. Their eyes held pity for their young miss who now only knew of fatherly love. They wished that the Duchess would come back in good spirits in health for the sake of her family. They hoped for a miracle.

"Wait, " Leonora called out for a second, not looking back at the servants she was talking to, "How is my mother?"

"The Madam hasn't said much nor moved much. Her health is very fragile right now."

"... Thank you."

Continuing on her way while biting the tip of her thumb, sudden contact on her head made her jump back, readying pulsing mana in her hand.

"Whoa, whoa, Squirt!" Cecil exclaimed, instantly dispelling what she had accumulated.

Sighing, her shoulders slumped downwards and eyes looked more hauntingly tired. "Sorry, Teacher."

"Now, " he replied seriously, "I'll forgive you for trying to attack your dear magic tutor but..."

She looked at him curiously, wondering what it was that he was going to ask of her. Leonora wouldn't mind gathering up some wealth or jewels to award him but he never was that type of person.

"... First, you need to heal yourself."

"Ah..." she muttered, realizing that she had bit down too hard and caused blood to spill. No wonder she felt a faint throbbing from her hand.

Gathering a small amount of water from the air, she had it cover her wound, sending mana to change its properties into something more holy. The injury then closed itself up, no lingering sign that it had been injured in the first place.

"Good job, " he praised and she could feel a sort of warm, tingly feeling in her chest. It was something she had only first felt when her mother complimented her. Though it was odd to hear such things from someone else, Leonora wasn't against it.

"By the way, " the Mage informed, "Your father wanted you to come by your office after your dance lessons. Odd how you're becoming so lady-like in the eyes of others. You're still a brat in my eyes, just like when I first met you."

"Okay, okay, " she fumed but her short burst of anger quickly disappeared, "I'll get going now."

He had mentioned that he wanted her after her lessons. Cecil had let her have her moment with the Countess and the momentarily visit her mother's door. A great Sorceror such as himself wouldn't have a hard time tracking her down and delivering her to her father.

"You asked for me?" she asked after she knocked on the door thrice.

Oddly, the Countess was sitting in one of the chairs across from her father. Her green eyes only glimmered in delight though, none of her other emotions seeping through her impenetrable mask.

Her father's amber eyes lit up slightly when he saw her through his true sorrowful emotions happened to leak through. Although Leonora didn't know exactly what was happening, she knew enough to sit on her father's lap to comfort him. "Father...?"

He didn't answer her right away, eyes trailing to the coffee table in front of them. Turning her head that way, she found a golden wax-sealed envelope laying upon it. The seal had an intricate circle of vines along the perimeter while the middle had two crossing swords with a shield placed in front.

It was no wonder that her father was slightly stressed by the invitation from Royalties themselves. He had no suitable partner to go with him and his daughter had yet to be assimilated into the social circles. It was truly a wreck waiting to happen. Whether it was done or purpose or not was the better question.

"We cannot decline, " she mumbled aloud to herself, opening it up to find the predictable ball invite inside of it, "The Crown Prince's birthday?"

Perhaps her father was worried that she would regain her infatuation once she saw him again? Still, it didn't matter as Ryoko wasn't interested in him. As long as he was innocent, she wouldn't interfere with him.

"Yes, that is right, " the Duke nodded, "And as your mother would usually be the one to help you, I've asked Countess Aveline to fulfill those duties instead."

It was the right choice on his part. There would be no doubt that going along with the Countess would introduce her to stunning jewelers and seamstresses. It was no wonder that her dance teacher was excited to show off the new and improved Leonora to the highest part of society for their country.

"Okay, " she smiled brightly, "I won't let you down, Father, Countess."

The Countess laughed while waving a gloved hand, "That should be what I'm saying! Oh, it will be absolutely lovely to have you join us, darling. My little Amelie could enjoy another girl's company! Thank you very much for this opportunity, your Grace."

That was how Leonora was then in a carriage ride the next day to the Countess's house. She originally was in the Dormer household, only ranked at Viscount level in the hierarchy. However, after joining in matrimony with the Byron household, she was able to move up a rank.

Arriving at the gated home, she found it less expansive than her home, which was to be expected. Ducal households were just a step below royalty.

Even though it wasn't as grand in size, the home had its own appeal with the nice cobblestone entryway, flourishing peonies to her left and right, and the trickling basin fountain that was made of marble. Each decoration had its charm.

A butler then greeted her at the door of the home, easily gliding into a low, sweeping bow. "Welcome, Lady Leonora. The Madam and Lady Amelie are waiting inside. I apologize that they could not greet you outside..."

She could tell by his wavering eyes, pale face, and slightly trembling hands that something had happened. The man shook in total fear of her, rightly so as she was the daughter of the Duke. Still, she wasn't immature enough to make a fuss about it and just brushed it off as a slight annoyance. "Lead me to them."

She could hear the cacophony of loud and disruptive noises before even reaching the parlor. There was no time to marvel at all the interesting and exotic wares they were walking past.

"Mother!" a loud voice shouted, "I've already told you that I don't want to be in the same room with her!"

"I've already invited her over, so you best have yourself look presentable!"

"But she's horrid! All of my friends will laugh at me if they find out about this!"

"Amelie, I will not tolerate you talking back to me! You will listen to what you say and that is final! If you act up do not think that your father won't hear about it."

Then a chokingly long silence overcame the parlor and hallways that Leonora was still trekking through.

"Maybe it's best that I go back to my home and proceed with this another time?" she suggested to the butler, a bit uncomfortable.

"The Madam will become angrier if you decide to turn back now, Lady Leonora."


Had it been her choice, she would've already been on a carriage ride back home and studying magic with her teacher. To think that his lessons were canceled for the day to hear bickering between a mother and daughter duo.

Finally arriving at the door, the butter light knocked and announced, "Lady Leonora is here, Madam."

"Bring her on in, " Countess Aveline's tired voice ordered back.

Entering in, Leonora tried her best to mask all of the emotions on her face. She wasn't the best at the moment with all of them, watching the Countess helped her improve.

Curtsying, she uttered softly, "Greetings to you, Countess Aveline and Lady Amelie."

The Countess only smiled while her daughter looked away in vexation.

Lady Amelie looked much like a mini version of her mother except with pig-tails cutely put up with lacy bows, a less dignified aura, and blue eyes that were deep like a sapphire. What could she expect from a girl around her physical age that didn't have the mental age like Leonora?

"Shall we prepare the carriage and go out now?"

With no tea time, rest, or small talk, Leonora was then placed into a carriage with the two of them, the silence almost deafening. The horses went at a steady pace to the capital, which wasn't very far from either of their homes.

She sat across from the two of them, looking out of the window to avoid the young girl's glares.

Striking up a conversation, she finally asked, "Countess, where will we be going to shop?"

"Oh?" she grinned, "You don't know?"

"I wouldn't like to presume."

"I'm taking you and my daughter to Salisbier Boutique, it's quite famous for intricate dresses that bring out the beauty of the woman wearing it."

Thinking about it, she remembered some of the maids gossiping about it for embarrassing a couple of nobles. "Aren't they also known for turning away nobility?"

"Tut-tut, " she interrupted, "They wouldn't dare turn me away after all the business and publicity I have given them."

"Ah..." she trailed off, not particularly caring if she was turned away at all. It happened before so it wouldn't even put a dent in her pride.

The carriage came to a screeching halt in the bustling streets of the country's capital. It was lively and quite joyful with kids running amock with laughter and loud, hearty calls of merchants.

The door opened and the footman helped escort her off the step and onto the sidewalk in front of the boutique. The Countess and her daughter followed shortly afterward.

A man in a fancy, lush green suit came forward to greet them, leading them inside of the building. Leonora's purple eyes passed over the arrays of dresses, none of them catching her attention.

"Oh, my!" Countess Aveline exclaimed, slightly scaring Leonora, "It's been so long, hasn't it, Mark?!"

The man who was identified as Mark had auburn brown, messy hair, a somewhat sharp jawline, and a lanky build. It was different from the muscular men she was used to seeing but she didn't mind a change of pace. Mark had deep, dark circles under his eyes which were colored a dull hazel. Lack of sleep was definitely getting to him.

"Hah..." he sighed, "It's only been two weeks, Countess."

"It just felt like years!" she exaggerated, "I absolutely missed you and your skills!"

"Yes, yes, " he waved off without much care, "You want dresses for the ball for yourself, your daughter, and...?"

His eyes locked with hers, his emotions clear as he was thinking that she was going to be troublesome.

"Oh, she's quite the dear, " she praised happily, "She's my student, Lady Leonora De Viona Wynard."

Hearing her name being introduced, she did a simple curtsy. "It's a pleasure to be in your company."

The man's face instantly paled and he looked to the blonde woman in desperation and confusion. "You... you brought her here?"

"She's changed with amnesia, " she happily said as an excuse, "Didn't you hear the rumors?"

"Heavens forbid, an Angel of Luck has truly struck. I'll take care of her also and will have all three dresses ready before the ball."

"Thank you, " the purple-haired girl murmured.

"Yes, an Angel of Luck, " he reiterated in astonishment, "She would never thank anyone."

"What did I tell you?" Countess Aveline winked, pushing Leonora toward Mark, "Why don't you take care of her first?"

"I-It's fine, " Leonora truly stuttered from being flustered, "I shouldn't go f-first."

"It's alright. I was told to take care of you so I will."

Without another second to rebuttal, some of the staff working there escorted her to another room. Leonora tried her hardest not to step on the papers littering the floor, each with different designs of them. There were thousands of those papers, all labeled and noted on heavily while also containing a delicate sketch. A measuring tape laid precariously on the large desk in front of her, the slightest of movement probable to cause it to fall.

"I apologize for the mess, Lady Leonora, " Mark laughed sheepishly, "I tend to get wrapped up in work."

"Well, " she reasoned, "That's usually a trait of someone with ingenuity."

He paused, looking at her with a dumbfounded expression. Finally, he gained his stupor and cleared off a chair for her to sit down in. He then shuffled through a couple of other pages and set them on top of his cluttered desk... after swiping all of the other papers off.

Leonora tried to ignore the sound of hundreds of papers hitting the floor and just sat down.

The papers he showed were indeed meant for her age, yet each was gaudier than the next. What child needed their ballgown to be covered in jewels at the age of seven!?

"Something more... simple would be better, " she smiled, trying not to show that she was irked.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, flushing a deep red in embarrassment as he searched for other designs in the mess he had made.

He fumbled on through, unable to find what he was looking for. "... It seems that I will have to start from scratch."

He pulled out a pad of paper from his desk and both his charcoal nib.

"I would prefer the colors to be white and a pastel yellow, " she added nonchalantly, eyes scanning over the work that he was doing in front of her. Mark was so easily yet skillfully coming up with a new dress for Leonora to wear. It was no wonder that they had the gall to turn away nobles.

His scribbling became intense as he got self-absorbed into it, unable to sense anything beyond his bubble.

"I've finished!" he shouted as he finished his eureka moment.

He turned the drawing over to her and she smiled, "Why don't we move onto the measurements now, Sir Mark?"

She knew from the moment that she saw this that her re-debut into society would be a stunning one indeed.