Chapter 2: The tree

To then recover them and take care of them like other animals can do with their eggs.

However this method is not perfect, because it allows to have only female orcs. It does not allow to artificially produce male orcs.

On June 17th of the year 850, the female orcs are still imprisoned in their continent but they become stronger and stronger to fight against the undead. Each female orc can now destroy a mountain with her bare hands from birth and adult orcs can now create attacks on the scale of natural phenomena.

However, the barrier around the continent seems indestructible because as the orcs grow stronger, so does the barrier.

On March 22, 920, humans and half-humans put more and more resources into preventing the barrier of the continent of Polioni from breaking down.

Hundreds of thousands of elite mages are deployed every year to deal with this problem. However, the most powerful humans and half-humans remain on their continents in case their races need to be protected from the undead on the continent of Polioni.

On April 19, 950, the female orcs no longer know what a male orc really looks like, their image of them is becoming more and more like a legend that nobody has seen but that everyone has heard of at least once in his life.

On December 31st of the year 1000, an elder mage had a prophecy in which is described the arrival of a legend on the continent of Polioni. This elder mage saw the birth of a male orc who will finally free the orcs from their torments of the undead and take their revenge on humans and half-humans.

On February 10th of the year 1741, after 1000 years of the first genocide that the humans and half-humans did on the orcs, a male orc finally appeared on one of the branches of the tree that is located in the center of the Polioni continent, which is now called "The creator of the orcs".


Screams, cries of joy can also be heard there. The cause of all this is simply the arrival of their future King, Emperor of the continent of Polioni.

The warrior women, the strong ones of the orcs, have been appointed to recover the cocoon of their future King, they will have the task of protecting him from all dangers and to answer all his needs or desires whatever they are.

However the moment they were about to recover the cocoon of the future king of the continent, something unimaginable happened. The tree that had given life to countless orc children up to that point began to retract before the eyes of the crowd of female orcs.

The tree continued to shrink and then went directly into the king's cocoon, which at that moment was floating in the air in the middle of the crowd.

The whole crowd does not understand what is happening.

"How is it possible? How are we going to get new orcs for our continent?" One of the orcs began to speak as she watched the supernatural phenomenon unfold before her eyes.

"I think that our enemies should start praying already, because our future king will have the strength of at least a 100 million army from the moment he is born." One of the warriors who had been chosen to protect him suddenly began to comment.

"It is clear that our future king will be a real monster!" Another one added.

"Yes ! You're right ! But the futur King may be too strong for us to be able to support him" The smallest of the group added with a depressed look.

"Stop talking nonsense, our future king will need all the support of our race to train him, educate him and most importantly, serve him with our body and soul." The orc woman in the middle says in a firm tone with eyes that throw a look of admiration, devotion, which borders on fanaticism in the direction of the cocoon of the future king.

These warriors were chosen after a continental tournament that gathered all the orcs of Polioni, the main criteria of this tournament was that the candidates had to be absolutely the strongest warriors of the continent but not only, they also had to be an extremely beautiful orc to be able to be at the side of the King.

At the bottom of the tree is a group of six orcs who are extraordinarily pretty. They all have hourglass curves, they also have a pair of breasts that give the impression of defying gravity itself. They also have a pair of rounded buttocks, which have the appearance of being extremely soft but also firm. Their legs are thick, with muscles that are very pronounced and there are numerous scars on each orc's body.

In the group of six orcs there are several duos of two, these two duos are located on the platform below the tree in a triangle formation. One duet in the center, and the other two duets on either side.