Chapter 23 : A level Up !

[Every race has a good and bad side but humans are dominated by their bad side but they always try to convince themselves that they are doing good not for themselves but for others.] Signed Legendary Human adventurer Francis Stone.

The change in Leon's domain is the distance he can absorb undead and other objects in his domain. This distance has increased to about 1KM in length and width.

The second change is related to the number of living people that can be stored in the world. The limit has increased from 1 to 10 people.

This is a great improvement to his domain because before he could only take one person with him in his domain, which made this feature a bit useless.

However, now he can have a team of 10 people on hand in his domain to help him at any time.

This can also help him save orcs by protecting them in his domain for a few seconds before releasing them.

Two days later...

Leon and his group have finished absorbing all the undead in the camp. The orcs also managed to get some of Leon's seeds.

The mission has only just begun but it is already off to a good start. Indeed, there are more than ten camps like this one that were made at the last minute for Leon's plan.

These camps are to help Leon but use an extremely important number of resources of the orcs. That's why Leon and his group can't wait to finish absorbing the undead of each camp. Because every minute represents resources for the orcs.

And the orcs know that they will need an extremely large number of resources for the war they will wage with their God against the other two continents of the world.

Indeed, an inter-continental war requires a lot of resources. The first inter-continental war in the world, the first war of the races ....

"Aude! Candice! Come, we must leave without delay!" Leon said to his group before heading towards the exit of the camp.

"Yes your majesty!" They answer him while bowing their heads.

When the group is about to leave, the orcs in the camp who are tidying up the camp can't help but cry when they see their God leave.

They look in the direction their God is going with a tear in their eye.

"I hope we'll be lucky enough to get our King's cock in our pussies!" One of the orcs said in a low voice but all the orcs around them heard it clearly.

They all nod unconsciously...

Some minutes later in the forest ....

Leon and his group are now on their mounts and going in the direction of their second orc camp. They are going at a normal speed of 120m/s. They have accelerated since the first time they left.

They're going a little faster to finish this mission and start preparing to go to war with the other races.

What they are doing is simply cleaning up in front of their homes, but they want to clean up the entire city, not just their own...

"Your majesty, I have a question?" Aude ask him while they are traveling.

"You know what Aude and Candice, I think it's easier if you call me Leon during our trip! Otherwise we will waste too much time with these formalities! But you can also tell me the question Aude!" Leon said to her with a firm tone but he wore a small smile on his face.

Indeed, for several years already he had wanted his guards to call him only with his first name but they had always refused to do so saying for excuse that he had to get used to be addressed like that by the people around him because he was going to be called like that the rest of his life by the people and the servants.

But today he found the perfect excuse to make Aude and Candice be forced to call him by his first name by putting forward his safety and the success of the mission to prevent them from refusing.

" " Yes your majesty! "" Aude and Candice answer him at the same time.

"It's LEON!" He yells at them seeing that they can't do something so simple.

" Yes your...maj... Leon! " Aude and Candice answer him with some difficulty.

'I am surprised by his majesty that he asks us to call him by his first name. I always wanted to call him by his first name but Queen Claire always prevented us! Ah that bitch! It's a good thing we are alone with our God, otherwise the bitch would have already broken our feet. I can't wait to say his name when we make love later!' Aude thinks inwardly while throwing a glance filled with sexual desires in Leon's direction.

The night falls...

Leon and his group didn't manage to reach the second camp in time and must spend the night in the forest.

"Candice, do you know how far the second orc camp is from here?" Leon turns his head and asks Candice who is next to him.

"Leon, I think we'll get there at noon tomorrow. She answers him with a small smile on her lips the moment she says his name.

"Mhm" Leon nods his head.

Aude and Candice make tents with the help of the trees that are next to them to make the base of the tent. To make the roof of the tent they take big leaves of trees which are either hung on trees or which fell because of the wind.

To fix it all they use energy to heat the branches and leaves to make them stick together.

After all these steps are completed, an hour has passed. There is a tent with enough room for all three of them inside. In front of the tent is a campfire that is already lit.

On it there is already a piece of meat of a monster that comes from the forest around them. The monster is called "Lizardriu", it is a giant lizard with one head, one eye and two horns on the sides. It is more than 8 meters long and more than 3 meters wide.

Its flesh is tender but also firm which makes this monster very popular with the orcs because it reproduces very easily and can adapt to many different environments.

It is therefore a staple in the villages and small towns of the orcs.