
6:30 am

After checking everything again, Arthur was ready to leave. He searched the pockets and belongings of all the dead. All he found were two more cell phones and some R$ 10 bills.

Just as he was about to walk out the door, he tripped over something that was under the table. 'Apparently, not even the body of a God offers resistance to stabs.' The pain was little, just a drama. Compared to his torture, it was a drop in front of the ocean.

Pulling the bag closer, he realizes that it is a little heavy. The moment he opens it, he sees many R$ 100 bills. There were 20 packages with R$ 1000 each. 'So you mean my kidnapping was worth it?' An expression of surprise and pleasure appeared on his face. A new plan was taking shape in his mind.

He removed the belongings of the first two deceased people, minus the PSP and bills, from his bag and put them in the bag with money.

Taking the bag with his left, he walked to the door and opened it. A foul, foul smell assaulted his nostrils.

'The dumping ground really deserves its reputation. It sucks to live in that place, but it would also be one of the last to look for a missing person. '

Many people lived in the dumping ground. Even if the city was made exactly because of the excesses, humanity was relentless with its selfishness. 'We are all in the same sea. Some with speedboats, some with boats, some with boats, but also those who swim with their own arms and legs. ' It was a phrase that Arthur read in a book, and that he always kept in his memory.

Taking a while to cross that entire 300 square meter area of ​​garbage, he walked to the nearest bus stop. Before leaving, he made sure to change the password and how to unlock his new cell phone with the help of the skinny's thumb. Calling a taxi, he began to think about his plan, correcting any apparent flaws, even studying points he was not sure about.


7:30 am

The taxi took 15 minutes to arrive, and another 45 minutes to drop you off in front of the Environmental Park. During the entire trip, the driver was very pleasant, even choosing a song that Arthur liked on the radio. Looking at his soul, Arthur realized that he was just a worker who was struggling for his wife and children to have a better future.

Paying the driver a little more, due to the effort of being awake at these hours and also because it was New Year, he got out and headed towards an open snack bar.

Looking at what they had, he said "Hello, good morning. Could you please give me 3 hamburgers, two hot dogs, and 3 juices: passion fruit, strawberry and soursop?" No smile appeared on his face, just giving the stallholder a cold look.

He saw the same thing in him that he saw in the couple who left him in despair the night before. Selfishness, ill will and cowardice.

After waiting a bit for his snacks, and checking that none of them has anything processed other than pure protein or carbohydrates, he went to sit on a stool near the tent.

Eating the three hamburgers and drinking the juices, he saved the two hot dogs for later.

After spending a few minutes watching the surroundings and fiddling with his cell phone to learn more about how it works, it finally came up who he expected.

A tall 20-year-old guy with a medium body, tanned by the sun, probably due to constant exposure, walked with a caramel-colored Pincher on his collar.

'Let's start then. Time to shine! ' A fearless smile appeared on Arthur's face.

Picking up the bag with the snacks, the suitcase of money, and his purse, Arthur started walking slowly towards the caregiver.

After arriving in front of him, and preventing his passage, he started saying "Good morning, boy. I really would like to explain what is going on here, but you were just caught in the middle of the crossfire. If you don't want your life as know her finish today, could you join me? " His voice was serious, but playful. He lifted his shirt a little to show the gun.

"Wha ... bu ... please say that you are kidding me !?" his gaze was immediately nervous after he saw the gun.

"First of all, I'm not a sir" He revealed his face under the hood "Second, this is really not a joke. Want to join me, please?" he gestured to a nearby stool. "Fast!"

After these last words, the man had nothing more to say, as his throat was choked with fear. Sitting up quickly, he held the dog in his lap. Amazingly, it was very calm.

Handing one of the hot dogs to him and the other to the dog, Arthur started "I'm just here to talk about business. I heard a lot of bad things about your boss. His existence is nothing better than a mosquito, but he is protected by money. You confirm these rumors? " Looking deep into the man's eyes, he saw only a blind hatred for his contractor, but a struggle that consisted of guilt and worry.

"It's all true. That man should have died a long time ago. The only reason I continue to work for him is my mother who is very sick and I can't quit a job just because I didn't like the boss." A sad face emerged.

"So I think I have good solutions for you. Three, actually. Money, help and a new employer. But before I can offer them, I need to know if you are willing to do one thing." A smile formed on Arthur's face.

Just for security, and also for his newly developed paranoia, Arthur always stayed as far away from the guy as possible.

"As long as it doesn't involve my family, I do everything to get rid of that insect!" his hatred finally surfaced, just at the thought of being able to get rid of his stupid boss.

"Great then! I'm glad you're willing to help." Arthur waved at him, taking the money bag from the floor. "There is more than R$ 20,000 in this bag, of money and products. The only thing I want is your card number and all the data necessary for a transfer, in addition to your name and other things like identity and etc." Placing the suitcase between the two, he opened it and showed him the packages of bills and the cell phones.

Impressed by the amount of money, the guy said "Look, honestly, I just imagined going to work like any other day. From nowhere you show up and say you're going to get rid of my boss, and now you have even that much money involved. How do I know that I can trust you? "

The man didn't seem to resent what was going to be done, just a doubt like any normal person would have. Arthur stopped being a normal person a few hours ago, so he wasn't angry about it.

Leaning against the seat and looking deeply into his eyes, Arthur said "I don't think I have much of a choice. No pressure, but I technically have a gun aimed at you. I give you salvation or destruction. Whoever chooses the way to go is you."

"I'm not talking about this. I barely know you. I don't usually trust strangers" the guy scratched his head, embarrassed.

'What is he, a child? The mommy who told him that? ' Laughing a little at the situation, Arthur finally realized what was happening. "Okay. My name is Felipe. What's your name?" His name may be false, but his outstretched hand was really sincere.

Extending his hand too, the guy said "My name is Augusto. It's a pleasure to meet you and do business too!" A smile appeared on his face.

"Great! Now that everything is settled, we can start the mission. Give me your boss's phone number, as well as yours too. When I ask, pass all the information on your card through WhatsApp" His tone was fast and hurried 'I can't take too long. If Thomas wakes up and finds that I'm not there yet, we are going to have an ugly argument. '

"Okay. Following your plan then. Am I going home?" Augusto was excited to get some rest. Three jobs was never a good thing. Two is manageable.

"Yes, you can go. But the dog stays. She's part of the plan." Arthur spoke, taking the collar from Augusto's hand and walking towards the orphanage. "Until later!" He waved at him.

"Until!" Still sitting on the bench, Augusto imagined how the dog would be part of the whole scheme. 'Let's see then.'