
After settling in, Arthur wore a loose gray shirt, a black coat with gray details, tighter black pants and black Adidas sneakers, and left the hotel, leaving Thomas to have fun with the new gadgets. Before leaving, Arthur gave Augusto's number to Thomas, in case he needs anything new.

Leaving the hotel, he went to a barber shop and cut his hair in a more fashionable style. After all, his hair was already hitting his eye, completely disheveled by the poor condition. A treatment, hair and eyebrow, and he looked like a completely new person, literally. His body became much thinner and finely muscled, with designer clothes and his face, which always had a hidden beauty, was finally shown with this treatment. He also noticed that his skin did not have the usual pimples and blackheads or any kind of stains, his whiter teeth, his breath with an always pleasant smell and even his slightly perfumed skin, even though he had done nothing but a bath. His beauty caught the attention of several people on the street, the fascination of women and the envy of men.

He finally had time to think correctly about the day, which brought him to the memory of the torture and pain he went through that morning. He would never go through this again, and he would not let that happen to anyone who is close to him, too. On the contrary, only hell and excruciating pain would be given to the culprit.

Even if he didn't want to, and also that the System told him that the sequels were eliminated, the phantom pain was always there, whether he ignored it or not. And that pain was increasing, pushing him into an abyss of insanity.

The moment he realized he probably couldn't take it, he went into an alley to breathe and calm down. He took a deep breath several times, but it only made his body go into a state of alertness, the spikes of pain becoming higher, as he was gradually pushed into that abyss.

And as Friedrich Nietzsche has already said - "If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back."

The moment he felt he would succumb, he began to hear a melody that made his heart beat faster, and with the beat of the music, his conscience also struggled to stay alert. The music grew louder and louder, as he slowly rose from this struggle against the abyss, until finally he felt the adrenaline in his blood, making his mind clear completely.

The moment he woke up from his struggle, so that he could finally analyze correctly what was going on, he found himself surrounded by people. 5 to be more exact. Three were very tall, one average and one short. The shortest was carrying a speaker around his waist, strapped to his shoulder. The song that saved him was coming out of there.

Observing the looks of these people, Arthur said "What do you want?"

The look from the highest, and who seemed to be the leader, was dismissive when he said "We see that you are wearing some nice clothes. You know, this is our territory, so you have to pay a fee to stay or stop by!" as soon as he finished speaking, he laughed while his henchmen did the same thing.

Arthur started to analyze the situation and then relaxed "Ah, I almost got scared, I thought they were real people, but I was wrong. They seem to be animals. Sorry to confuse you, Mr. Pig!" Arthur's every word was full of mockery and sarcasm.

Hearing this, the medium size of the troupe shouted "You bastard !! Look how you talk to the boss!" By the time the final word came out, a kick was already being directed at Arthur, who was crouched at time.

Seeing this, the rest of the class started laughing. But they soon had to stop, as they saw that the moment the kick was going to hit, the guy they thought was more of a playboy actually managed to hold the kick with just one hand.

Assessing his new strength, Arthur praised "Wow! Even though i don't have much muscle, they are full of power and strength. And he seems to still be able to get much stronger." As soon as he finished speaking, he stood up, still holding the leg of the guy who kicked him.

By the time he did this, the medium-sized one toppled over and almost fell, but it was being held by Arthur.

What impressed them most was that the guy who looked like a runt just now, because he was crouching down, was actually almost their size, even though they are in their 20~25. Arthur had also noticed his growth in height, which was 5 centimeters, leaving him with 1.77m.


| Yes | No |


With a quick thought, Arthur thought 'Yes' and the Quests Panel opened.

1. Revenge (Difficulty: Hard)

2. Fight (Difficulty: Easy)

| Defeat all the people who provoke you |

[Targets (0/5)]


• 500 Exp •

[Bonus Rewards]

| Requirements: Defeat everyone without making an effective attack |

• 30% Exp Bonus •

• Equipment: Absorption Glove •

After holding on a little longer, Arthur threw the leg he was holding towards the body, causing the medium sized to give an involuntary backward mortal. But it was incomplete, hitting his chest and chin on the floor, instantly knocking him unconscious. As it was a simple move of throw, it cannot be counted as an effective attack.

When the troupe saw this event, everyone threw themselves on top of Arthur aggressively. At that very moment, Arthur was standing upright, admiring the slowness of the world around him. When he saw these people approaching, he planned the most fluent and secure course of action.

When his plan was established, the world returned to its original speed and Arthur moved. The first thing he did was to dodge the fist of one of the tall guys, where he took his hand, pinned it behind his back and made his head go towards the leader's fist. The moment the punch hit, the tall man arrested by Arthur passed out instantly, as Arthur was sure to push his head for as much damage as possible.

Soon after that he ran towards the other tall guy, who was coming with a kick at him. When he got extremely close to the leg, he bent down, stepped forward a little more and got under the tall guy. Before the leg went down, the guy felt his body leave the floor and be thrown towards the wall, hitting his face and losing consciousness.

Seeing the situation, Arthur noticed that he only had the leader and the short man left. Analyzing what action he should take, an idea came to him.

He ran towards the little man, who was already shaking with fear at what was happening. The leader was also already quite scared, but the moment he tried to run in the opposite direction, he felt a blow to his head, hard enough to put him out. Before passing out, he saw that the little guy was held by the arms of the other guy, like a doll, while the speaker was with some blood, probably from his head.

Seeing that his plan worked out, Arthur was very happy, before turning the little one upside down and letting go, causing him to hit his head straight on the ground, passing out.

"Phew! It's finally over. I should have asked the little guy what the name of the song was, but that's okay, I'll find it later." Clapping hands together, Arthur smiled before heading to the end of the alley.