Incomparable Beauty

When the men saw that, they thought she had finally given up on resisting, making their job easier. And along with that, an exponential increase in their daring.

"Exactly, pretty girl! Be quiet and it will hurt less!" Ulysses almost smiled with joy when he saw that scene. Today was the day to spoil another virgin girl.

"Boss, we will give you the honors first. Go ahead!" The newcomer successfully encouraged.

Behind him, all the henchmen made the same incentive.

Being encouraged in this way, Ulysses' boldness exploded.

But the moment he was going to put his hand on the girl's forearm so that the "party" could begin, one of his men simply flew towards him, bumping and taking him along to the floor.

After that happened, everyone was silent, trying to understand what was going on.

"Quick, protect the boss! Find what is attacking us!" The shortest was the first to act, giving the rookie space to run towards Ulysses for help, while the others went on guard for whatever it was that was attacking them.

"Boss, are you okay? Take my hand!" Taking the henchman, already passed out, off the boss, the novice held out his hand so that Ulysses could get up.

"What the fuck did just happ-" Before he could finish speaking, another henchman flew in his direction, knocking both him and the rookie down this time.

Since this time there was no one to help them get up faster, Ulysses and the newbie took a little longer, a matter of a few seconds, to get up.

They started looking for what had attacked them, as the alley was darker than usual, which helped Arthur to hide from them.

After stealthily knocking over two henchmen, Arthur didn't feel the need to hide anymore, emerging from the shadows like a ghost.

"Are you all right? It looks like you are having some problems. Do you want help?" In the most cynical and friendly tone that Arthur can do, he calmly approached the last five people and the girl.

"Who are you, asshole? We already have our own problems! Get out!" The rookie was the first to speak, shouting angrily at Arthur.

"Get out, man! If you don't want to get in trouble, you better run away!" The short guy spoke.

Even with two men passed out, or even knowing who was attacking them, the gang's stupid pride spoke louder, inciting curses and hatred toward Arthur.

"Easy, easy! It looks like you guys lost two men to the guy in front of you. You have to be more patient!" A sarcastic smile formed on Arthur's face.

"You are deaf, brother! Get ou-How is it ??" Before Ulysses could finish the sentence, he noticed what Arthur said and was extremely irritated at the time. "It was that son of a bitch who attacked us !! Get him!"

So the men ran after Arthur.

"What a pity. I was hoping to play with you a little more. Really a pity!" With a playful tone, but that at the same time had a mixture of cruelty to freeze the bones, Arthur also went after them. He wanted to get this over with quickly.

Rotating the body in a rustic way, Arthur landed a circular kick on the chin of one of the men with his left leg, while with his right leg, taking advantage of the centrifugal force, he hit the chin of the other henchman who was coming towards him.

'I'm getting good at replicating these movie moves!' Arthur was smiling inwardly at his noticeable evolution compared to a day ago.

Having knocked down two men with just one movement, everyone in the alley was shocked, including the girl. It was hard to believe what had happened, as only movies showed it often.

After seeing this, Ulysses was a little shocked, but immediately his pride hit him, prompting him to attack Arthur. "With two it's easy, I want to see the same thing with three people! Come on!"

So Ulysses, the short man and the rookie ran towards Arthur like angry pigs.

'Are they stupid or what? What's the huge difference between two or three pieces of shit? ' Arthur thought, with mild confusion.

After the rookie got in front of Arthur, he tried to punch him without success, which ended up getting punched in the chin and passed out immediately. The little guy was a little tricky, but Arthur was too lazy to make an elaborate move and simply kicked the little guy's balls, which fell immediately with extreme pain. Surgery is already calling.

Ulysses was the last, but as he was only a leader by status and not by a much larger force, like Vitor, only one punch to the chin was enough.

After finishing all of them, Arthur wiped his hands and walked towards the exit of the alley, but stopped the moment he remembered why he had entered there.

He looked at the girl who was still crouching, and noticed that her bright green eyes were glued to him, and her cute mouth was slightly open, with a rather funny face of astonishment.

He then walked over to her and asked, "Are you okay? Do you need help?" He then held out his hand so she could get up.

As soon as she got up, he could take a closer look at her figure. She was a little tall, just a few fingers shorter than him, her figure was voluptuous and her skin was indigenous in color, only a little lighter. Her hair was straight and shiny, green eyes that emitted an intelligent but shy light, a perfectly designed face with incredible proportions, white teeth and a really passionate aroma. It was truly an incomparable beauty.