
After fully absorbing Abyss' Force, power and essence, Arthur finally relaxed. Although your heart and mind are calm, in a battle you should never let yourself be relaxed, always being on high alert.

Taking the time to look around, Arthur realized that everything was a clean white, to infinity. Everywhere he looked, there was nothing.

"Should this be my space of conscience or something? Really hard to know." Arthur was trying to find something there, but he had nothing to see, so he wanted to leave soon. But as he was forced to enter here, he did not know how to leave.

Only before any other thoughts came up, a series of system messages appeared in front of him.














'Wow, quite a lot!' Arthur spoke happily, while feeling the pleasure of getting stronger once again. His mind and body grew and compressed to make him more robust and strong. His mind in particular was more powerful and complex than ever. Arthur could feel the pulse of his muscles, hear the noise of his body, of his bones creaking and the chemical reactions inside him.

At the same time, information about the skills obtained flooded his brain.

'First, let's see how my stats look after all this.' Then, with a thought, the statistics window appeared in front of him.


| Statistics Panel |

[Level: 3] (510/3000)

[Name: Arthur (???)]

[Race: (???)]

[HP: 390]

[MP: 375]


• Good: 15 •

• Bad: 22 •


• Strength: 39 •

• Agility: 39 •

• Vitality: 39 •

• Constitution: 39 •

• Intelligence: 75 •

• Resilience: 96 •





• Abyss •


[Supreme Skills]

• Vision of Soul •

• God Body •


'Damn! Everything has grown a lot, not to mention the new skills. It seems that this challenge was really worth it. Speaking of a challenge, if this is the first, will there be others then? ' Arthur's doubt was just silly, since he was not at all concerned. Whatever comes, come! He will solve it with as much excellence as he solved this, so there is no problem.

'Let's see these skills now! First the skills I gained from statistics. ' Arthur then thought of them and their information appeared.


• Rank: E + •

• Level: 2 (Max) •

• Active Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Ability created by the Supreme Magician Preoxdice. The brain is fully activated for a certain period of time, greatly increasing its efficiency.


Thinking ability is increased by 150% for 2 minutes.



• Rank: E + •

• Level: 2 (Max) •

• Passive Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Ability created by Thief Wizard Nubis. It makes illusions and mental controls difficult, and may even capture the invader's conscience.


Resilience +15


'Quite interesting! These are really useful skills. It is a pity that its classification is so low, but if there is an option to evolve, then it manages to become much stronger. ' Arthur then began to study them a little more and realized that it was thanks to these two that he was able to learn about the Force so quickly, as well as being able to absorb Abyss. 'They really came at a great time!' A smile appeared on his face.

Soon after that he asked to verify the information of the other two skills.


• Rank: C + •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Passive / Active skill •

• Can Evolve •


Developed by the user's desire to live. His will rules over the weakest and confronts the strongest.

[Passive Effects]

The user's presence is more striking and can influence others.

[Active Effects]

Everyone who has a weaker will than you in a 100m radius will be completely subdued.



• Rank: B + •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Active Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Ability inherited by the user's victory against Abyss. With its essence captured, Abyss' entire existence was understood and transformed into a skill.


When activated, it attempts to take control of the opponent's body and mind, absorbing the original consciousness, making the ability stronger and gaining control of a servant.


'Look, one suppression and one control skill. It seems I was very lucky today! Both are great. 'Will' to get rid of annoying people and 'Abyss' to avoid certain problems when I get involved with someone dangerous.' After seeing these two skills more, Arthur was sincerely impressed by his gains.

'Well then, very good. But how do I get out of this place? ' Everything he had to solve has already been solved, so it was time to go. Too bad he didn't know how.

But before he needed to think too much, the system already gave the answer he wanted.


| Yes | No |


'As I deduced, this is my mind. But why was everything black and now everything is white? Well, whatever. Let's get out of here.' Arthur then pressed 'Yes' and immediately left.


In the dark night, in a dark room on the top floor of a hotel, there were two people. One lying comfortably in bed, taking the light breeze from the air conditioner and sleeping like an angel. The other person, on the other hand, was on the floor in a fetal position, drenched in sweat and a little black ooze on his skin.

That person on the floor soon opened his eyes and an intense light flashed inside them, making his green eyes much more beautiful, alive and intelligent.

Arthur, immediately after waking up, checked his body and realized that he was a little more robust. But what caught his attention the most was the intense flow of information he received.

Distant and close sounds were loud in his ears, even though it was night and the whole city was silent. Just by sound, he was able to distinguish the direction and distance from which it came.

His body could feel the fabric and texture of the clothing, as well as the floor and carpet beneath him. Even the wind and the temperature did not escape his senses.

Even in the dark night, he could see better than when it was day, in addition to being able to see the smallest details of the objects. He could see the details of Thomas's clothing lying on the bed, so detailed that he could even see the threads.

Even smells flooded his nose, including stinks too. As soon as he felt the stench of his body, Arthur almost vomited, since the stench was amplified.

His senses simply exploded and became much stronger.

'This is a completely new world!' With growing joy, Arthur took a little more advantage of this new world before leaving for the bathroom, since he could no longer stand his stench.

Getting into the bathtub, Arthur cleaned himself properly and enjoyed the sensation of his natural perfume before putting on new clean clothes and finally lying down to rest.

As soon as he lay down, he passed out instantly. After such an intense battle, all Arthur's brain and body wanted to do was rest.