
Faced with the questions and shocked looks he was receiving, all Arthur did was look at the three bodies in front of him and ...

Fall on your back on the stage!

His body was already being pushed to the limits since the fight with Hedgehead. After being beaten and hurt by the misuse of the Force, the fight with Snake was where he had to constantly use the Force on his entire body and learn to deal with it while moving at incredible speed. After so much stress on his body, Arthur couldn't take it anymore and found a quick way to end the fight against the clowns, paying attention to his surroundings, he used everything he had and stole what he didn't have to end the fight as soon as possible.

His body and mind were completely exhausted, and simply getting up was a challenge.

It was at that moment that countless ads from the system filled his vision, so many that he had to make an effort to see them all.






˂Congratulations !! Mission Completed Successfully! ˃


˂Your Level Increased! Level 4! ˃



˂Get Your Inventory Rewards! ˃


Instantly, a tremendous itch hit Arthur's entire body. Intense outbursts of strength shook his blood, bone and muscle structure. He was holding on to keep himself still and no one thought he was having an epileptic fit.



His muscles suddenly swelled and subsided in a fraction of a second.



His fingers started to shake slightly, as if they were accelerating to the extreme, but again, it didn't even last a second.



In his veins, the blood became more and more red, while the hemoglobins became more effective and numerous, taking more oxygen throughout the body.



For a brief throb of a second, a bronze light appeared from Arthur's toes and went up the whole body until it reached the head. His body structure was as strong as bronze.






His brain began to operate at high speed again, but unlike before, the brain no longer warmed up, but remained at an ideal temperature. The operating speed was much faster than before. His instincts were also much more acute, and everything around 100m could be completely felt and observed by Arthur.






The Mental Space that Arthur has not yet had the privilege of accessing has started to change and become a complex and powerful field. Anyone who tried to do something with Arthur, psychically speaking, would be completely destroyed, with no chance for absorption, as with Abyss.

It was definitely a full body strengthening that changed Arthur completely. But the ads did not stop there when the Mission's reward began to be generated.









As with the 'Universes Absorber Technique', an infinite flow of information began to invade Arthur's mind and spread there. Heavenly laws and orders, as well as quantum physics and mechanics. His brain was burning with every bit of information.

After just a few seconds, the brain returned to normal, after the Forced Activation of the 'Expansion' skill.

Everything that happened in that short 6 seconds took Arthur to hell and brought him back.

The first things Arthur did was drink a Potion of Stamina and, after searching the inventory, drink a Potion of Health.

Health Recovery Potion (Basic)

• Grade: E + •


Instantly recover your health. The higher the user's Vitality level, the less the potion's effect.


Any wound or bruise is instantly healed.

Completely filled health.

Spending time to feel the effects of the potion, Arthur realized that the Stamina Potion did not have as much effect as before, as he said in the description, that it would not have as much effect as the body grew stronger.

While still lying down, Arthur used only a few seconds to read all the skills he had gained after the battle, as well as the technique and statistics.


• Rank: E- •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Active Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Lower basic skill of the warrior. Increases strength exponentially.


Strength improves by 100% for 10 seconds.


• Rank: E- •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Active Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Basic basic skill of the adventurer. Increases agility for a certain period of time.


Agility improved by 50% for 2 minutes.

Pure blood

• Rank: E + •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Passive skill •

• Can Evolve •


Skill created by Doctor Vampire Richard Blutrünstig. Purifies the blood and makes it incredibly tasty and full of energy.


Vitality +10

Celestial Bronze Body

• Rank: E + •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Passive Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Ability created by Hero Xerxes Farshid. Your body's natural composition is modified to be as hard and resistant as Celestial Bronze.


Constitution +10


• Rank: C + •

• Level: 1 (100/1000) •

• Active Skill •

• Can Evolve • (Expansion)


Ability created by the Supreme Magician Preoxdice, after evolving the 'Frenzy' ability. The brain is fully activated for a certain period of time, greatly increasing its efficiency. The regions around you will be within the limits of your instincts and will expand as the skill progresses.


Information absorption capacity is increased by 500% for 10 minutes.

Surrounding area of ​​100 meters will be completely felt and watched.


• Rank: C + •

• Level: 1 (0/1000) •

• Passive Skill •

• Can Evolve •


Ability created by the Lord of Illusions. It makes illusions and mental controls difficult, and may even capture the invader's conscience. If the user's body is resting, any attacker will be completely destroyed.


Resilience +60

'Wow, lots of skills. This will definitely be very good in the future. I wish I had it all before the fights started! ' Arthur was laughing lightly inside. After drinking the potions, his body was more relieved, but his mind was still quite tired.

After the skills, the long-awaited fighting technique soon appeared in front of Arthur.

Heavenly Flow Technique

• Grade: S + •

• Level: Max •


Technique created by the Fists Saint. All movements follow and flow according to the user's wishes. Like water, it can be adjusted with any other technique and can be strengthened.

'It really is a mistake to have a description as simple as that! My brain would have fried with that skill, had it not been for the evolution that my skill has undergone. ' More and more information that no one could understand was jumping into Arthur's brain.

'After all of this, I want to see how my statistics panel looks!'

Soon, the statistics panel opened.

| Statistics Panel |

[Level: 4] (1030/4500)

[Name: Arthur (???)]

[Race: (???)]

[HP: 810]

[MP: 710]


• Good: 218 •

• Bad: 52 •


• Strength: 81 •

• Agility: 81 •

• Vitality: 91 •

• Constitution: 91 •

• Intelligence: 144 •

• Resilience: 192 •


• Fortress •

• Expansion •

• Will •

• Abyss •

• Force •

• Furious •


• Pure Blood •

• Celestial Bronze Body •


• Universes Absorber Technique •

• Heavenly Flow Technique •

[Supreme Skills]

• Vision of Soul •

• God Body •

'God have mercy of my enemys, because i won't!' A little smile appeared on Arthur's face.