Busy Day

Behind Arthur, Silva burst out laughing and warned him: "Get ready and stand by. You will see now what a full day of work is."

Not really understanding what could be happening, Arthur just stayed in position and waited for the people to arrive.

It didn't take even a minute before countless people started screaming in the distance.

"Mr. Silva, I'm going to want three sandwiches today. I'm really hungry!"

"I'm going to want 4 chicken sandwiches!"

"I'll just have two, please. Chicken and bacon!"

"As for me, I want 2 sandwiches and a passion fruit juice."

Numerous orders like these started ringing, and Silva had already started to operate the hot plate to fry the meats and put the breads to brown.

Arthur was a little lost among those requests, but only because of the shock he felt. This shock did not last long and he started making the sandwiches according to the orders.

The time interval between an order and its delivery was not very long, thanks to the cooperation between Silva and Arthur. Experience and intelligence worked together and made everything go fast.

Many people noticed Arthur's presence, so they shouted at their tables at Silva.

"I didn't know you had an assistant, Mr. Silva." One of the seated businessmen spoke in a friendly voice.

"Besides, he's a sweetie!" One of the sportswear girls spoke, while winking at Arthur.

In response to all of them, Silva just spoke out loud: "This kid here is tough. I was thinking of giving him work experience before school. To work today, you have to start working from birth."

Hearing Silva's response, the men there looked at Arthur in a friendly manner, as if they considered him a friend just for working with Silva. Some women and girls, on the other hand, looked at him with a seductive look.

Feeling a little embarrassed by all this attention on him, Arthur just concentrated on making the sandwiches. His job consisted of making sandwiches and juices, delivering them to tables, cleaning tables that were unoccupied and dirty, washing dishes and glasses. This was repeated in a cycle that Arthur performed many times.

This movement at the beginning of the year, even while on vacation, was due to some who continued to work in their own companies, since in Brazil, if you want to get anywhere with your work, your performance has to be many times higher than any. It was also due to the wave of people who want to change their lives with exercise and other people who only know the sandwich stand and are simply in love with them.

At least 2 hours passed before the number of people started to decrease, until reaching a rate of 7 people every 10 minutes. The closer to lunch, the fewer people started to come.

Curious about the movement, Arthur soon asked Silva: "Since it is a sandwich stand, and lunch is the main meal, then, what is the next sales time?" His curiosity came only because he wanted to know when he could sit down. He has been up and running since the tent opened, and even though he was not tired, Arthur's inner laziness remains active.

"The movement really falls during the lunch period, but it is nothing to worry about. Some people stop by to buy their afternoon snacks, as they cannot leave their jobs at any time. But, as not everyone works, the movement after 15:00 increases and only ends after we close at 17:00. " While taking off his gloves to wash his hands at the small faucet behind the tent, Silva slowly explained to Arthur.

Listening carefully, Arthur nodded in understanding and started taking off his gloves too, imitating Silva.

After waiting for his turn, Arthur also washed and dried his hands on the towel and was going to sit with Silva at the already unoccupied tables.

When he was about to sit down, Silva spoke to him: "What are you doing? Can't you see that the tables are dirty? Besides, I hired you so I could rest for a while. Clean the tables, anything that is dirty on the tent: floor, blender, dishes, plate ... well, everything. " With a slightly cynical smile, Silva spoke while resting on the chair.

Arthur, after hearing all this, looked at Silva with his eyes slightly closed, intending to strangle the old man, just for fun.

Holding on to his intentions, Arthur did everything as Silva said: he cleared the tables of every dirt he could find with his keen eyesight. Then he went to clean things up in the tent and it was all done in less than 10 minutes, thanks to Arthur's impressive speed.

After doing the process of washing his hands again, Arthur took advantage of the fact that there was no one to place an order and went to sit too. His slightly closed gaze remained fixed on Silva throughout the process. He only stopped it when he finally sat down.

From 12:00 to 14:30 was how Silva described it. A peaceful movement with only a few people who left work for lunch and bought their sandwiches on the way back. And as Silva also said, the movement from 15:00 to 17:00 was very crowded, but without comparison with the morning.

After they were finally finished, Arthur again had to clean everything up again at Silva's request. The strangling look returned until he finished cleaning everything.

Making sure there was nothing left behind, Arthur picked up the sandwiches he had prepared for Thomas and was already leaving with his backpack on his back.

Before he could go, Silva spoke to him: "Well done, boy! See you tomorrow?" His fist was raised so that they could greet each other.

Taking his closed fist to meet Silva's, Arthur simply nodded and left.

Silva, who had stayed behind, smiled slightly and in his head he only had one thought: 'That little pest did more than me in everything, and with a lesser amount of time. It looks like the exercises didn't do anything to his body. ' Then, the friendly smile soon turned into a cruel one and he also thought: 'It looks like I'm going to have to increase the difficulty!'

And so, Arthur's fate of suffering the most every morning was defined without him knowing it.