Stronger... Again!

Having finished his exercises today, Arthur turned off the 'Training' mode while fetching his shirt that he had dropped on the floor.

As usual, notifications appeared.

˂Congratulations !! Training Completed Successfully! ˃



As Arthur's body was already getting used to heavy exercises, only 250 of the experience was given during the week, but in all it was 500 at the end of the day, including morning and evening exercises.

As soon as he reached in front of the shirt, Arthur was going to bend down to pick it up, until his body completely paralyzed. At that moment, numerous system notifications started to appear in front of you.

˂Your Level Increased! Level 5! ˃


AttrAll Attributes Increased by 100% ˃


˂Preparing the Body for Dramatic Change! ˃


The moment Arthur's body froze, an intense flow of energy started to run inside him, like a bomb that suddenly exploded. He had never felt anything like this.

This energy flowed throughout his body, destroying and rebuilding it again. Every muscle, bone, organ and cell was constantly being strengthened through this cycle.

Every impurity that was in Arthur's body was being expelled in droves. Dying and rolling on the floor, black goo seeped out of all of Arthur's pores and holes.

Involuntary movements were being carried out by Arthur's body, due to the expansion that was taking place in his brain. The neurons clustered and communicated with each other at record speed, and like the muscles, his brain did not expand, but its shape became more compact and of its original size, but with much more capacity for operation.

For the last bit of conscience, thanks to his Resilience statistic, Arthur realized that his uncontrolled strength could destroy the building, or at least the floor below it.

Trying hard, Arthur used all his strength to get up to the minimum and propel himself forward. He didn't care what was going to happen to his body, but if he even put Thomas's safety at risk, he wouldn't accept it.

With everything he had, Arthur jumped out of the building ...

What he did not imagine was that, in doing so, a hole was left in the place where he was, and the terrace of the building completely cracked, threatening to fall. Arthur himself, on the other hand, was an incredible 200 meters high, at a dizzying speed towards the thickets around the city.

All he could see was that, before his conscience was slightly erased so that he could survive the intense pain.

This unidentified flying object flew over the city and fell like shit into the woods, rolling and rolling until it hit a tree, splitting it in half.

Already down, many notifications continued to pop up and ring in his ears.






Just as on the stage at the Arena, Arthur's muscles suddenly swelled, but this time, instead of decreasing, they kept growing until they were absurdly large, before being compressed back into Arthur's body, causing veins to jump out of every place and his body turned slightly red and started to smoke out.






Arthur's body suddenly moved from place to place, hitting trees and more trees, throwing black goo everywhere. Only after 10 seconds his body stopped and become quiet again, with some traces of scratches and bruises.






In Arthur's veins, his pure red blood flowed through the kidneys, which had been greatly strengthened, and came out purified and of a silver color.






The silver blood did not have much time to show its grandeur, before Arthur's kidneys were again modified and made stronger and more efficient to start producing golden blood. Arthur's body and brain were being oxygenated and cleaned as this blood passed through them. More black slime started to come out slowly.






Instantly, Arthur's body was covered in intense silver light. His entire body started to stiffen, but at the same time as flexible as ever.






The previous silver light was replaced by an even more intense multicolored light. This light penetrated deep into Arthur's organs and bones, solidifying mainly in the skin, where it would first fortify.






As if another explosion had occurred, but this time inside Arthur's brain, his green eyes began to emit an intense light, and everything around him was transformed into complex information that he did not understand. Everything his eye could see was analyzed over and over and kept in his memory. The green irises also gained a multicolored light, but that was extinguished after the skill ended.






What was once a fortress and labyrinth in the Mental Space, has now expanded into a huge space, full of points of light. Everything there was owned by Arthur, and anyone who tried to enter would be absorbed.

When it was finally over, Arthur continued to expel black goo for some more time, before finally stopping and passing out completely.