"Normal" Day of Work

As soon as they reached the kiosk, the smell of the meat being fried assaulted their noses. Arthur and Thomas's breaths were faster than normal, due to the smell that piqued the hunger they were feeling.

"It looks like the two of you finally finished the exercises. I took the liberty of going out for a while and already make the breakfast." Silva was the one who spoke, as he paid attention to the hot plate and turned over some chicken breasts.

Thomas was silent and just concentrated on the plate. His eyes were glowing and his belly was growling.

Arthur, on the other hand, could not remain silent and spoke to Silva immediately.

"The old man is really getting generous! So thank you in advance. I'm starving!" Arthur spoke as he took a seat in one of the chairs Silva had already placed in the area.

In these last days that they were working together, Silva and Arthur got very close, being able to talk casually between them. It was for this very reason that Arthur didn't say anything when he saw Thomas and Silva in the hospital, and even trusted Silva to train Thomas.

"This is for your brother. If you are hungry, just do it yourself! You have two arms and two legs!" As soon as he heard Arthur, Silva soon played his card.

He came to know Arthur in those days and knows that any opportunity to rest, Arthur would already be taking advantage of it.

"This almost hurted my feelings. It looks like you're already going to the asylum, old man!" Arthur didn't care much and soon got up, obviously taking the time to make a joke as well.

Soon, Arthur entered the kiosk and began making sandwiches. Silva was already close to finishing, so he left, leaving space for Arthur.

Thomas had been silent since he got close to Silva, but he was still eating like a hungry beast. Only after his fourth sandwich did he stop. He finished his passion fruit juice and finally relaxed.

"It was good?" Silva, who was beside and still eating, spoke to Thomas in a warm tone.

Thomas said nothing, but nodded.

Meanwhile, Arthur was on his cycle of making a sandwich and eating. After devouring more than usual, Arthur finally stopped.

'This so-called absorption technique is really good. At first I was a little restless, but now it's as natural as daylight. My body is also full of energy, and I don't even need to spend a stamina potion anymore.' As soon as he finished eating, Arthur thought a little about his technique.

The changes in his body were visible. Unlike his thin, battered body, which is how he looks every day before eating, he was now more robust and with defined, powerful muscles. His coat was even slightly tight.

As Arthur strives to the extreme in training, his body is also always varying between extremes. During training, his body constantly expends the energy present in any fat or carbohydrate, so it inevitably gets thinner. But when he eats, the energy that was gone comes back and his muscles work to create more muscle fibers, making his body a little more robust than before.

'But I noticed that recently my body seems to be reaching a certain limit. I think I can attribute this to genetics and age. I'm much taller than anyone my age, so my musculature is more defined than big and robust. My age also limits the growth.' As he stared his defined arms, Arthur thought of some theories. What asserted his point was Gabriel (Shadow), who was shorter than him, but his muscles were bigger.

It was 7:30 am yet, so Arthur and Thomas said goodbye to Silva and went home. Arthur was just going to take a shower and come back.

Without much delay, just 10 minutes, Arthur was back. He had left Thomas at home and, even though his body was sore, he immediately went to the computer after the shower.

Arthur went out and, wherever he went, he drew the attention of the few people who woke up early to go to their jobs.

Her piercing, beautiful green eyes perfectly matched his angular face and smooth white skin. Not to mention his clothes.

As time went by, Arthur began to settle down and set up his favorite style of clothing. As before he barely had money, even to feed himself, the clothes he bought were suitable for all kinds of events. It was one outfit for everything.

But now that he has money, the clothes that Arthur started to like to wear were those with a more casual and simple style. His favorite color was also a must to be present: Black.

He was now wearing a casual black shirt with a white tanktop under it. He also wore black cargo shorts and was wearing black sneakers. Arthur was never very interested in accessories, so he didn't wear them.

If it weren't for work, the sneakers would be replaced by the classic slippers.

As soon as he arrived at the tent, Arthur quickly put on his white apron and started to prepare the ingredients and clean everything. Wash fruits and vegetables, cut meats, wash dishes, mop furniture and vacuum the floor.

Even though Arthur learned how to make a sandwich on the first day, it was only during the week that he learned how to operate a food kiosk.

Silva was lounging on one of the chairs on the patio in front of the tent, and wouldn't get up until the customers started to arrive. He was reading the newspaper and enjoying the fresh morning air.

After some time has passed, while deftly chopping some meat, Arthur heard some footsteps. There appeared to be three people. Before long, voices came along the steps.

"I'm really tired and hungry! I need something urgently." A female voice rang out, and her tone carried some urgency.

"Calm down, honey. Look! Looks like that's a food kiosk. Let's see!" Another female voice sounded, but it held a sense of relief.

"You guys are not tired. You just talked and looked at some guys who were passing by. It took us 40 minutes just to finish a run." Another female voice also sounded and it carried a cold and slightly irritated tone.

"Give me a break, Emily!" The two previous voices shouted at the same time.

Arthur already knew who the owners of those voices might be.

A short time later they appeared near the tent. Arthur looked out of the corner of his eye and saw that Silva was still sitting, pretending he hadn't even seen anything.

Arthur promptly dropped the knife and went to wash his hands. During the last week, at Arthur's insistence, Silva made some adjustments to the plumbing and managed to put a sink inside the kiosk.

As soon as he was done, voices came up behind him.

"Hey, sir- oh sorry! I thought it was someone old." With a little gasp after seeing who was inside the tent, Madison had her eyes a little on Arthur's arms.

"Good morning! My name is Sara." Sara also soon introduced herself to Arthur and held out her thin black hands. Her skin was very well cared for and moisturized.

"Pleasure! My name is Arthur." In his usual voice, Arthur quickly greeted Sara. His green eyes lightly stared at her, making her blush a little.

As Arthur was wearing a dark cap and mask, his bright green eyes stood out too much amidst all the black. Since when he was reborn his eyes became increasingly clear and bright.

They couldn't recognize him as the "weak" boy from before. The difference was just like heaven and earth.

"And my name is Madison!" The other girl also extended and was greeted by Arthur in the same way.

Soon, the two girls were blushing and avoided eye contact with Arthur, while the third girl, called Emily, just faced the situation.

Arthur didn't resent any of the girls by they previous comments. He'd been past that stage of resenting any kind of bullshit for some time now.

Wanting to speed things up a bit, and also because Silva was already looking at him with strange eyes, Arthur took the liberty of speaking first.

"Are you ladys going to order anything?"

"Yes. Three veggie sandwiches, please. We'll have apple juice too." It was Emily who spoke.

She wasn't flushed like the others, but every time she looked into Arthur's eyes, she turned her face a little.

"If that's all, then you can sit down and I'll get it ready."

After that, the three girls sat at the table closest to the kiosk. Sara and Madison kept looking at Arthur as he worked. They eyes emitted desire and were almost drooling.

"Look at his arms! Every time he moves his hand, you can even see his muscles flexing. What's it like under his shirt?" Madison spoke with a tone full of desire and excitement.

"Don't even talk to me about the body. Did you hear his voice? It was so sweet and melodious! Not to mention his fragrant scent!! I want him!" Sara's eyes were also almost devouring Arthur.

Emily was the one who was silent the entire time. As she had nothing to do, she also glanced at Arthur working from time to time.

After a while of waiting, the sandwiches finally arrived. They were made perfectly and it was even a pity to eat such a masterpiece.

Arthur's skills improved a lot during the week as he tried to make the repetitive activity of making sandwiches a little more fun.

"Enjoy!" Arthur spoke as he passed the sandwiches and juices.

"We sure will!" The two girls spoke at the same time, showing his charming smiles to Arthur.