School Recomendation

The next day, when Arthur and Thomas were ready and dressed, they soon left to the orphanage.

As responsible for their education, the orphanage was the only legal means of contacting the school secretary, and also to obtain authorization. So, it was with them that they were going to get the recommendation.

Once there, they ran into the receptionist, Edna. She was calmly fiddling with her cell phone with her head resting on the table with her arm.

When they entered, Edna looked at them and, without a second passing, a surprised and shocked look came over her face.

"What are you... what are you here for?" Instead of her usual rudeness, she tried her best to hide the fear in her heart. Fear that was instilled in her by the look Arthur gave her last time.

Without even glancing at her, Arthur patted Thomas on the back, who was a little nervous, and kept walking.

Even so, Edna kept insisting and still asked him, coming in front of them: "You can't just walk in here after so long without owing any satisfaction. Here is not your ho-"

But before she could speak further, a cold voice sent shivers through her soul, leaving her immobile.

"Shut up..."

After that, Arthur and Thomas continued to walk towards the management of the orphanage.


Inside the management room, an ugly and arrogant looking woman was pacing back and forth.

'It's been almost two weeks since those pieces of garbage left and the inspectors are already arriving. I need to find a way to get them back, at least until they show up. I can't afford to falsify any more documents.'

Although she always left the two aside during other inspections, this was only because the responsible inspector, sent by the government, was a close colleague of hers. But recently, with the infusion of new people, a new inspector was chosen to come, and the check would be general.

She sat down and started thinking of ways to bring the two boys to the orphanage before the end of the month, or else she would have to shoulder the responsibilities.

But, as if the heavens were beside her, the door suddenly opened and the two people she was looking for appeared at the entrance to the room.

"Finally, I was looking for you two to-" With a relieved look, she rose to go in front of Arthur. But before she could say much, Arthur interrupted her.

"I know about the inspection, but that's not what I came for. I want you to transfer school for us, with recommendations and everything. No delay, i want this for now." Arthur threw a bag of R$50,000 on the table and spoke in a calm voice. He knew about the inspection, as the one in the early years was always the heaviest and the only one he and Thomas showed their faces.

A little stunned by what had happened, the director of the orphanage walked to the bag and opened it. When she saw the many R$100 bills piled up in the bag, a smile appeared on her face.

"Your wish is an order! Which schools do you want to go to? With that amount, I can get a recommendation for wherever you want to go!" In a praising, flattering tone, the woman soon began to smile at Arthur. She still felt the same sense of danger coming from him, but if she drooled his eggs* enough, she would be fine.

"I want a recommendation for Elementary School Tchr. Carvalho and the authorization documents for me to take the exams at the Clóvis Nogueira State Technical High School." In a casual, indifferent tone, Arthur sat with Thomas on a small sofa in the living room.

"Of course, I'll prepare them right now! About the recommendation, it may take a while, since-" Just as she was about to finish speaking, she gasped lightly with an ominous feeling in her heart.

A weak murderous intent mixed with a heavy, unyielding Will focused on the fat headmistress figure.

"You have two hours!" With a piercing look, Arthur spoke coldly.

"Yes, sir!" Bracing herself not to cry, the principal soon went to work and made phone calls.

While she was working, Thomas suddenly asked Arthur.

"Hey, why are you talking over people? Isn't that impolite? No one you talked to today could finish talking." With an innocent, questioning look, Thomas asked.

"Haha ha! Yes, it's impolite. But if I'm paying to be arrogant, then I can be all I want as long as I don't disrespect anyone." Arthur spoke as he rubbed Thomas' hair.

"Understand. Do you have a thing with my hair? Stop it!" Thomas spoke as he slapped Arthur's hand.

"It feels nice!" Arthur spoke as he increased the intensity and ruffled Thomas's short, wavy hair.

Two hours later, the headmistress at the orphanage appeared with two folders of documents for Arthur.

"This is the letter of recommendation and also the authorization for elementary school. This one contains the documents you need to enroll in the exam." The headmistress soon handed the documents to Arthur and was waiting to see if he would have any more requests.

Arthur took the folders and nudged Thomas, who was entertained on his cell phone playing.

"Let's go!"

So they left the orphanage and called a taxi.

The headmistress watched from the gate as they left and her head was full of bad and ridiculous thoughts.

'This hoodlum really became someone. He must be involved in trafficking like everyone else. And that cell phone in the autistic idiot's hand? He must have robbed someone for this.'


It was still around 10:00 when they arrived at the school where Thomas was going to study, and, as Gabriel said, it was a short distance from Arthur's new school.

Despite being a Saturday, as it was the beginning of the year and there was a new infusion of students, the secretary would work even on Saturdays to resolve everything before the start of classes.

After passing through the gate, Arthur and Thomas walked to the secretary and knocked on the door. Thomas had his heart pounding and sweat was pouring down his back, as he didn't like new, empty surroundings.

Arthur patted his head lightly and spoke gently: "Relax. It's a little scary at first, even for me, but I promise it'll be better than the one before. I did a little research and they have some students with the same conditions as you, and even more intense. They help these students to socialize better and deal with themselves. It won't be a problem to fit in here, and you might even find someone you like."

In a reassuring voice, Arthur quickly soothed Thomas' emotions, who nodded after a sigh.

After they waited a while, a beautiful young woman opened the door and looked at them before her gaze landed on Arthur's face and went still.

"An angel..." Those words escaped slightly from the woman's mouth and she didn't even notice. Her gaze was staring at Arthur's surreal beauty and her heart even began to pound heavily.

"Hey?" Arthur caught her attention after a few awkward seconds.

"H-hi. Ahem. Hi! Were you the people who sent the last minute recommendation from the orphanage?" The woman soon adjusted her expression before asking with her cheeks slightly flushed with embarrassment.

"Yea!" Arthur spoke as responsible.

"Great! I'd like to let you know in advance that it was a great choice for you. Also, the newsletters that came with the recommendation actually impressed me, so it's going to be impossible for your brother not to join us." The young woman spoke as she walked deeper into the place and offered them a sofa to sit on. The other women within the secretariat noticed the movement and also fixed their gaze on Arthur, also lost in thoughts of his beauty.

Thomas' grades were always at the top, but as the school wasn't the best, it wasn't very recognizable. But even so, it would still be enough to get into a better school. There was also some money kickback involved, but that was left out.

The woman had already been warned in advance of the situation of the two by the orphanage, so she already knew that the minor was the one who would be entering the 8th Grade.

It didn't take long and soon everything was ready. After Thomas signed some of his own documents, the rest was already in the documents delivered by the orphanage.

Soon, Thomas was already enrolled in elementary school, allowing for a better education and environment. It was a large, tree-lined school with plenty of open space.

Once they were done, and Thomas was officially enrolled, they walked to Arthur's school for exams.


Obs: A term for saying that the person flatters someone too much.