Getting Used To

Arthur had left with light steps and was constantly looking at everything. Unlike most commonly seen schools, all corridors were open and overlooked some area or square. This made the air circulate better and gave an impression of freedom.

Wherever Arthur went, the girls looked at him with passion and the boys with envy. Not that there weren't any cute boys at school, but that's because Arthur was simply exaggeratedly handsome.

As he walked through the corridors, still heading towards his own classroom, right in front of him a strange scene was happening. Some girls surrounded the door of a classroom and tried all the time to stick their heads inside.

'Is something going on in that room?' With that thought in his head, Arthur continued walking and soon arrived in the entrance, standing right behind the girls. As he was quite tall, at least taller than the girls standing there, his vision was not hindered. But that's not to say he wouldn't draw attention either.

When one of the girls felt someone stopping behind her, her body turned and she faced the tall person in front of her.

'So beautiful…' Staring at Arthur shamelessly, the girl didn't even bother to close her slightly open mouth.

When Arthur noticed this girl, he again displayed his beautiful smile and asked in a soft voice: "Can you tell me what's going on in there? I was curious too..."

"Yes... yes! It's a new student in the Buildings course who... is also very handsome..." When she finished speaking, the girl stopped staring at Arthur and just looked straight ahead. But the front of her was where Arthur's chest was, and his white shirt still outlined some muscle. When she saw this, the girl blushed slightly and turned away, leaving.

"Thanks!" Arthur shouted low to the girl who left. But, his voice soon caught the attention of the girls who still hadn't noticed him. They all turned and were also staring at Arthur's face before breaking out of their daze.

Just as Arthur was about to say something to these girls, a masculine and familiar voice appeared from the doorway: "Look who's finally arrived..."

At the door, Gabriel spoke as he appeared. His face was smiling without showing his teeth, and he looked like a kind person. His clothes were also in simple colors, with black jeans, white Nike sneakers and a white shirt with a beige sweater over the top. Because they were slightly tight, Gabriel's muscular body was on display. A high-end watch was attached to his wrist and a dogtag necklace also hung around his neck.

"Oh, so it was you…I thought it would be someone more important!" Arthur's smile also turned mocking as he teased Gabriel.

"Always full of jokes! Never thought of going to work in a circus?" Gabriel returned the taunt and his white teeth showed lightly at the right corner of his mouth. "Good morning, girls! Would you be so kind as to make a space for me?"

As soon as his soft voice left and entered the ears of the girls who were still looking at Arthur, they turned again and faced the other heartthrob who appeared in the doorway. And it was this same heartthrob they came to look for. Involuntarily taking some step back, a space opened up and Gabriel passed.

Saying nothing between them, Arthur and Gabriel simply continued walking, leaving those girls behind, and also a few more who left the room when Gabriel also left.

"Those two… know each other??" One of the girls there exclaimed in shock.

"Two heartthrobs, two friends…they say people tend to bond with those who are alike, but I really didn't expect this pair of angels!!" Another girl a little more composed managed to put together more words to express what she felt.

"If it wasn't for my willpower, I would already be crying here... They are so beautiful!!!!" Another student spoke with small tears in her eyes.


"Why did you choose Buildings?" Walking forward and looking straight ahead, Arthur asked a question. He was just doing this to start some conversation and not be silent.

"For the same reason you chose Logistics." In a calm voice, Gabriel replied as he glanced at his watch.

"No reason then. Are you waiting for someone or something to happen?" Noticing Gabriel's movements, Arthur glanced slightly and then his gaze returned to the front.

"The Anthem and Janice call me." After looking at the time, Gabriel rested his hand in his pocket and his gaze returned to the front.

"What kind of relationship do you two have? You I can't say, but she's clearly in love with you!" Arthur asked as he recalled the scenes of the two of them together. Every time Janice looked at Gabriel, a clear touch of love and affection passed through her eyes. Even the way she addressed him felt forced when other people were around.

"I saved her when I was on a mission some time ago. Since then she has been following me." After these words, Gabriel clearly had nothing else to tell or even reveal to Arthur, so he didn't ask any more and just continued walking towards the living room.

"There won't be time to get to your classroom, so let's go straight to the Event Yard." Gabriel spoke and his footsteps stopped and he left the hallway and started walking to the courtyard in front of the Direction.

"Man, did you know you CAN speak more than just a few words, and even give an explanation? Seems like you only know how to talk a lot when you're going to scold." Arthur rolled his eyes and started walking after Gabriel. But, his complaints reached deaf ears and he got no response back.

The moment they arrived at the Event Yard, it was the same moment the school bell rang, alerting all students to attend there. The moment was exact and flawless, as if it had been told...

'This one doesn't like being late…' Arthur snorted lightly from behind as he looked at Gabriel's back. He soon looked away and saw the crowd of students leaving the classrooms and heading for the courtyard. Some were tired, others apathetic, and only a few excited. The difference between a freshman and a senior was clear at a glance.

His eyes also caught three familiar figures walking together and two of them talking together while the one in the middle just walked calmly. It was Emily, Sara and Madison.

The moment he looked at Emily was the moment she looked at him too and they were staring at each other. Arthur gave her a smile and turned away, not doing anything else after that.

"Who..." Emily's cute, mature voice came out unintentionally and alerted the two friends who were still talking. Visible confusion was stamped on her face. Although she found this person who smiled at her very beautiful, that look of his captured her more attention.

"What did you say? What's that look on your face? Did you see someone you shouldn't have? Hahaha!" Madison was the first to speak and laughed at Emily's expression.

"She's never been like this, so it must be a problem. Tell me what happened and we can solve it now!" Sara also noticed the expression and worried for her friend.

After coming out of her confused state, Emily's gaze returned to normal and she spoke in a calm voice: "It's nothing! I just thought I saw a familiar person, but I can't remember where..."

"Who was it? Just point out that we're going there to talk to him now! What if everything gets worse?" Sara took the lead and began scanning the growing crowd.

"Never mind. If that's who I think it is, then you'll soon find out!" In a mysterious voice, Emily gave a slight smile. It was a form of provocation for the two, who liked to know everything.

"Are you making fun of us, Emily??" The two girls exclaimed in unison.


The moment all the students in the school started to gather, it was also the moment they started to organize themselves in Indian lines, separating by year and course. The 1st years were organized in three rows, as well as the 2nd and 3rd years, all according to their class.

It was also at this moment that the number of students in the school became clear. In the lines of the 1st year, the Logistics class was the largest, with 50 students, Buildings with 45 students and Systems* with 40 students. In the 2nd year, the classes were a little smaller, but the biggest retention was in Logistics with 45 students, Buildings with 35 students and Systems with 25 students. In the 3rd year, Logistics had 43 students, Buildings 30 students and Systems 25 students. The drop in the number of students is also justified by the difficulty of keeping up with regular high school and still having to study one more course, which would put pressure and make the dropout rate bigger.

Even so, the school still managed to maintain a high number of students, totaling 338. Taking into account that almost all students had a high chance in the university entrance exam and very few failed or opted to enter the job market directly, as they took advantage of the course to create connections.

"Hi Arthur! Why didn't you go to the classroom?" A small girl's voice rang out from behind Arthur's back as he looked at that many people and brought him out of his concentrated state. When he turned around, Aline was staring at him with those big eyes.

Lightly patting her head, Arthur spoke apologeticly: "I ended up getting involved with some things and when I finally got to go, the bell had already rung. Anyway, thanks again for the favor!"

"No problem! I just did what I wanted anyway! Besides, I was already heading to the classroom and your bag isn't that heavy..." As she spoke, Aline realized that Arthur's beautiful green eyes were staring at her all the time, as if he couldn't pay attention to anything else. They were looking directly into her eyes, and for a moment she was lost in that incredible bright green landscape.

"I still thank you!" Arthur patted Aline's head again and his posture returned to what it was before. 'It doesn't hurt to have a sincere friendship around!'


Meanwhile, in the same line as Arthur, only very far behind, was a small girl compared to Arthur. She was dressed casually, in dark blue jeans, plain white sneakers and a white shirt too, with a jacket over it.

Despite being a simple way to dress, it couldn't hide the incredible beauty of her body. Her skin was a brown color and was flawless in every way, without the slightest blemish. That skin looked so pure that you could even imagine the feeling of touch if a person were miles away.

Moving up a little and following those thin and gentle arms, passing by the soft shoulders and watching that neck that anyone would have the insane desire to kiss, a face more than angelic emerged. That more than perfect face, with a full but thin mouth, a pretty nose and breathtaking green eyes. Her eyebrows were perfectly formed and her glossy black hair was loose and gleaming in the sunlight. She was the picture of perfection and any man who looked at her would have no control over the body.

But... even with all that, her attention went unnoticed, as if she were invisible, and no one even looked in her direction. But the opposite could not be said, as those beautiful eyes constantly scanned the crowd. After a figure finally entered her eyes, they finally stopped and glared at him. Accompanying that, a breathtaking smile formed on that flawless face.

'I found you...'