That Beauty Again

A few minutes passed before everyone was properly organized in the classroom. Everyone had their tables ready, but some students who already knew each other stayed together and talked.

While everyone was talking, an excited voice came from the classroom door: "Good morning, everyone! How are you? Ready for class?" This person had a sincere smile on his face and seemed to be excited.

Everyone in the classroom looked at the figure and immediately recognized that it was Teacher Tiago, with whom everyone outside laughed excitedly.

"Good morning, teacher!" Most people in the classroom reciprocated.

"Well, let's go! First I want everyone to settle down and get organized right there. After that, I'm going to start the presentation."

As soon as his voice was out, the students began to organize themselves. Some took notebooks and cases from their bags and placed them on the table, others returned to their own tables.

When everyone was organized, the teacher continued: "My name is Tiago, I'm your math teacher and I hope we can all get along peacefully for the next three years, God willing! That said, I would like you all to introduce yourselves when I call your name on the call list, okay? So let's go!" As soon as he finished speaking, the teacher gave a small clap and went to the teacher's desk, where he took a sheet of paper out of a folder.

As soon as they heard this, the students immediately started to get agitated, as they were a little nervous. They weren't used to introduce themselves in front of so many people and felt a little scared.

"Guys, it doesn't have to be like this. It's going to be easy and I'm just doing this to get acquainted with you, so I hope you'll help me here. This is your first step here and you need to face it with courage." In a reassuring voice, the teacher gave a small smile to everyone.

Those words alone were enough to calm the class down, but some people were still nervous...

"The first person on the call is... Aline! Can you introduce yourself, Aline?" The professor looked around the room. His gaze focused as a small student rose shakily.

"I-i-it's me, t-teacher..." Her eyes flicked around the room and she got nervous again. 50 pairs of eyes were focused on her now. After some time gathering her courage, she continued, "I'm Aline, I'm 14 and I came from a State School." She soon sat up and tried to calm down.

"Very well! Thank you so much for your courage, Aline! Next... Arthur!" His eyes again stared at the class.

Arthur's figure soon rose at the back of the classroom. He had already removed his headphones and his hood was down, revealing his flawless face and bright green eyes. The professor even felt a little intimidated by that look.

"I'm Arthur, I'm also 14 years old and I came from a State School." His calm demeanor and smooth, uninterrupted voice somewhat shocked people who were still nervous. The girls looked at him with a strange glint in their eyes while some boys looked at him with envy.

"I can see you're very calm, so you must be good with introductions. Sit down, Arthur."

After Arthur introduced himself, the professor continued calling out some names. There were many people with the initial A and a few more with B. But as soon as he called a certain name and a certain person got up, the whole class got into an uproar, especially the boys. Including Arthur, but for different reasons.

"Next is… Beatrice!"

When that beautiful figure got up and stood in front of that class, it was as if someone had stolen all the noise in the room. The boys looked at this beauty with wide eyes and slightly drooling mouth. Already some girls looked with envy and others with admiration, since not every woman was the same way.

'A princess like that was in the classroom the whole time?? How did I not see it?' As they looked at her, all the boys asked the same question internally. She was sitting not far from the end of the room and was in the middle row as well. Basically, it was impossible that anyone hadn't seen her.

Her indigenous skin is completely flawless, her body voluptuous and divine appearance. His green eyes also sparkled, but they were more restrained than Arthur's. Her face could be described as perfect as her body, a person sculpted by God.

Arthur was also somewhat impressed by the appearance of this beauty again. He was also impressed by the incredible coincidence of things.

'Very unexpected, but it makes things a lot more fun!' A smile spread across Arthur's face.

"Nice, my name is Beatrice and I turned 15 not long ago. I came from a private school out of the state, so I don't know the city very well. Hope I can get along with you all!" After saying this, she again sat down in her chair and didn't move anymore.

The atmosphere in the classroom remained the same as they enjoyed that indigenous beauty of hers, completely immersed in their own thoughts.

The teacher was also a little impressed, but like Arthur, he just smiled and said, "Nice presentation. Now let's go to the next one!"

After that, the names continued to be called. Some people presented themselves shyly and all the boys presented themselves bravely and full of things to talk about themselves. They seemed to be trying to impress someone with this.

Of course, after Arthur and Beatrice introduced themselves, some people in the classroom would always look at them. This continued even after the call was over.

"So, guys, now that we've finished the presentations, we can finally move on to the contents of the bimester. I'm going to write down on the board for you everything that will fall in this two-month period and the contents of the exams as well, so that you can get ready. Too..." Teacher Tiago continued to give the contents and warnings that students should pay attention to and the class continued calmly, but in a relaxed way. He was obviously a good teacher and knew how to handle students well.

After two classes of 50 minutes each, the school bell rang and everyone knew it was time for breakfast. The students got up one by one while the teacher took his things and said goodbye to the class.

As everyone walked out of the room, Aline looked at Arthur after she got to her feet and asked, "Are you going to have breakfast?"

"I already had it at home, thank you so much for the invitation! I'll spend this time in the classroom, so you can go." A weak, gentle smile appeared on Arthur's face. He had also taken off his headphones from the backpack on the floor and was about to go listen to music.

"Okay, I'll go eat then. I'm really hungry!" As she slowly rubbed her belly, Aline said goodbye to Arthur and left the classroom as well.

Breakfast time means different things to different people. Some simply went for breakfast, others preferred not to go up to the cafeteria and stay downstairs talking, while other students took the opportunity to play some games. Even though they are high school students, practicing any type of sport that involves movement was in Brazilians' blood. Any time was a good time to play.

In the end, a few people stayed in the room. And, among these people, Beatrice also stayed. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small lunch box, which contained her breakfast. It was some well-cut fruit and a sandwich.

That familiar scent tickled Arthur's nose and he gave a slight smile. He then rose from his chair, picked it up and placed it beside Beatrice. His sudden move impressed her a little and made her look at him.

"Are you okay? It's been a while since we've seen each other... you haven't gotten into any more trouble, have you?" Arthur's smile faded and he spoke with a cheerful expression. As he spoke, he also surreptitiously took a piece of apple from his lunchbox.

"Hey you can't steal my food!" Beatrice looked at him with fierce eyes, but a smile had also formed on her face.

"My reward for saving you! Now we're even." Arthur returned the smile.

"I'm fine as you can see. Is there anything you want to talk about?" She turned her attention to the lunchbox and concentrated on eating.

"How can you do that? This presence thing." Arthur also turned his face forward and spoke softly.

"What thing?" Beatrice turned her head in doubt.

"You know, this thing about nobody noticing you. No one had noticed you until you got up, including me..." Arthur's green eyes stared at her for a moment.

"Oh that…some people say I have a weak presence. I think that's why!" Beatrice spoke after thinking for a moment. Her head even tilted a little to the side, which was really cute.

"You're too beautiful to have a weak presence, not to mention those eyes of yours. So I find it pretty hard to be that..." When he finished speaking, Arthur again turned his face forward and gave a weak smile.

Beatrice's face immediately froze and she had no reaction. She really didn't expect Arthur's heartfelt praise. After a while, her face flushed slightly, but it soon faded. She just looked at the lunch box again and said quietly, "Thank you..."

"It wasn't a big deal. Also, if you're going to chop the apple, you should do it more gently and with a smooth motion. The juice is still fully dispersed and it's better." Arthur's sudden change of subject caught Beatrice completely off guard.

"I-I didn't cut it, but I'll keep that in mind. It was really an unexpected tip, haha!" Beatrice's light laugh entered Arthur's ears, but it was as if it had spread across a sea. It didn't cause the slightest ripple of mood in him.

"That's all I wanted to say. I'm going to go back to my place and get some sleep. See you later!" After Arthur spoke, he got up from his chair, took it in one arm, and started walking. But he immediately stopped his steps and spoke in a low voice: "Your smell is also very good. It looks like someone I know, but it doesn't look like it either..."

His voice entered Beatrice's ears and made her look at him strangely: "Have you been memorizing people's scents?" A strange smile formed on her face.

Arthur also turned slightly and revealed his white teeth to her: "I don't do it on purpose."

After that, Arthur again returned to his table and put the two headphones to his ears. He lowered his head and started taking a nap until everyone came back. Beatriz also finished her lunch box and looked back slightly, but when she saw that Arthur had his head down, she turned her eyes to her own table. She picked up her sketchbook and began to draw, as if nothing had happened.

A short time later, about 30 minutes, the students each returned and began to sit. The conversation groups were bigger, as if the students got to know each other better during this short break.