Flawless Mission

The reason for Arthur's smile and the sparkle in his eyes was quite simple. A mission has appeared!

1. Flawless Mission (Difficulty: Easy)

| Fulfill all mission requirements. |

[Targets Captured (0/10)]

[Discover Additional Information About Trafficking (0/3)]


• 20 Attribute Points •

[Bonus Reward]

| Requirement: All your companions must leave the mission alive. |

• Basic Muscle Strengthening Potion x20 •

• Basic Agility Potion x20 •

As soon as Arthur spoke, the two behind him began walking to the door. Nobody else said anything.

To avoid mission failures or disagreements and intrigues among mercenaries, the tactics and strategies to be used are discussed by the leaders and given to the mercenaries to be executed.

Basically, orders those who can and obeys those who are smart.

As he walked downstairs, Arthur's mind was constantly working.

'Even though the difficulty of the mission is on easy, I still have to be suspicious. Attribute points are good, but the bonus reward seems to be even better. After all, is potions we're talking about. Even if I don't want to, I have to let everyone stay alive...' Arthur shook his fingers slightly as he checked the pistol in its holster. 'But this part of collecting information will be more complicated. The police are already in place and are just waiting for us to take action and take them all down. Dead are unnecessary, and being a little paranoid, I prefer to play it safe and leave all targets alive and immobilized.'

Temporary ideas and plans formed in Arthur's mind. He didn't like having a static plan that obeyed his own imagination. It was preferable to imagine countless situations and the most efficient and intelligent responses for the moment. After all, he would put each individual piece together and perform them at the same time.

When the four finally reached the ground floor, with Magikeen in the lead, they fanned out. Before that, they took radio communicators and synchronized them, so anything could alert themselves.

Each would be responsible for one side of the shed. Arthur's side was the South. Magikeen was in the West, Shine was in the East and Blaze was in the North. Arthur, along with Magikeen, would be responsible for the fugitives and minor figures, as they were counted as inexperienced. They also took the information-gathering part. Blaze and Shine would start the attack with Magikeen's command.

The shed was big, almost the same area as Arthur's house, only a little bigger, and the part where the drug lords were meeting was in a small room, on the same side as Magikeen is. Guards were scattered in the streets and rows of giant shelves, which reached almost to the ceiling. That shed was used by the logistics and distribution sector of an outside company, hence the large shelves, intended for the storage of bulk products.

Entering a window on the south side, where he jumped up, Arthur came to a metal floor. They were fragile aluminum tiles. To avoid the noise, he walked slowly until he climbed into one of the giant shelves. The narrow floor was solid wood, made to hold a few hundred pounds.

Arthur silently counted the guards who were in a region. As there were several shelves, each person was responsible for a part and cleaned it carefully.

"13!" Arthur spoke over the radio communicator.

"15!" Blaze.

"9!" Shine.

"5!" Magikeen.

With such an odd count of guards, Arthur realized that his mission wanted him to leave only those present in the room alive. It made sense, as those who were there were the only ones with precious information.

"According to logic, my area is weaker. Shine, see if you don't do shit again. The distribution of guards is based on experience, so your area and Magikeen's have the strongest. We're going to storm the boss room in 15 minutes, so let's clear everything up there!" Blaze, relying on his greater experience, quickly noticed some spots and remembered some memories from his past. He spoke fluently and without repeating. In the end, he even asked politely, "Agreed, boss?"

"Yes" Magikeen replied indifferently.

'Why work twice when it can only be once?' Arthur thought as a smile appeared on his face.

Slowly descending through the shelve, Arthur soon hit the floor. Taking great care to remain silent, Arthur watched the guards move, trying to understand the surveillance patterns.

'1, 2, 3, right, 1, 2, left...' Arthur thought and imprinted it in his mind. When the same pattern repeated itself three times in a row, he moved.

Walking confidently to a guard at the southern end, Arthur went unnoticed. It was already difficult to see in the dark shed, and as he was dressed in black, it was even worse to try to see. Besides, everyone who might have noticed his presence had just turned their backs on him.

As soon as he got behind the guard, Arthur wrapped both arms around his neck and made a rear naked choke. Applying all the strength of his arms at once, the neck made a small crack.


Dead. A person was killed just like that. Arthur grabbed the body and led it to the wall. He took advantage and took everything that could be of value to the guard and threw it into the inventory. Watch, glasses, pistol, rifle. Anything that could be sold on the black market or destroyed so no one else could use it.

While searching the guard's pockets, obviously counting every step of the patterns of the guards behind him, Arthur found a reliquary necklace. There was a photo of an average-looking woman with a boy in her arms.

With a sigh, Arthur placed the reliquary back on the man's body, making a point of placing it in an obvious place. Rising slowly, Arthur began to walk to the next guard in the sequence.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Arthur took down three in a row, doing the same thing he did with the first. He always hid the body in an inconspicuous place and left. Sometimes he would pass too close to a guard, but he would not kill him as it would disrupt the flow and he could be spotted and spoil the mission.

After a quick turn, Arthur took down most of the guards, leaving only one alive. From the observations he made while learning the patterns, this guy was the biggest and the only one with a communicator in his ear. The other guards seemed to have only one alert, but nothing to communicate. Another reason Arthur left this one last is because of its size.

Arthur was big for his age, but he wasn't as big as this guy. It was about six feet of pure muscle, visible through the large neck and trapeze that made the suit look tight. Arthur's arms weren't big enough to apply all his strength and kill at once, if that was possible. Arthur understood that he could be strong, but just by entering the Arena he realized he wasn't the only one.

A well-trained body was much stronger than an average human. If a person who works hard at the gym for two years can lift a weight of 150kg, while an ordinary human being only lifts 50kg, it is clear that strong people can exist anywhere. That's if you take out people with special genes, with physical bodies that are stronger than normal naturally. And this Super Vaccine thing also left an intriguing thought in Arthur's mind.

Judging the book by its cover, Arthur realized he would not have an easy fight with this guard. Using the pistol, even with the silencer, would be difficult.

Sliding his coat slightly, Arthur removed it from the body, along with the pistol holster and the knife that was in his back. Drawing the Dagger of Fenrir slowly from its scabbard, Arthur faced the man. He removed everything that could make noise or prevent his movement. He also kept the pistol in his inventory, with the silencer already screwed on.

Taking a deep breath, Arthur closed his eyes.

'Go!' Arthur opened his eyes.

His body moved almost instantly, with the Dagger ready to cut. His steps were silent and like a snake's. As soon as he moved close enough, Arthur leapt towards the guard. The dagger ready to cut the neck in the back.

But just as the blade was about to hit the neck, a large hand quickly seized Arthur's wrist.

"You didn't expect this, did you, you son of a bitch?" The guard's thick voice rang out, a little mocking.

Using strength in his arm, the guard threw Arthur away. The force was enough to break someone's bones when they hit the ground. Arthur rolled on the floor and tried to stabilize, having to put his hands on the floor to stop his body.

"I tried to talk to a security buddy just now and he didn't answer me! I was expecting someone to come after me! Come on, say it, you didn't expected, did you?" The guard was even more mocking. Taking it easy, his hand went to his ear to turn on the communicator and announce an invasion, but soon his hand froze in midair.

Arthur calmly raised his left hand, which had the communicator there. Just as the guard grabbed his right wrist, Arthur moved to pick up the communicator.

"I expected." Arthur replied indifferently.

With a quick move, Arthur ran to the guard and made the same move.

"There's just that move, idiot?" The guard scoffed. From what he saw of Arthur's small body, he didn't seem to have much strength.

Just as Arthur's dagger was going to hit the guard's neck, he backed away and dodged, causing the dagger to pass right through and a gap to open for him to attack. With a clenched fist, the guard punched toward Arthur's left ribs.


A muffled shot sounded, punching a hole in the guard's forehead.

"It wasn't the same attack..." Arthur spoke as he equipped the communicator.