Blood Vision


With the vision completely blood red, an endless madness began to fill Arthur's mind, along with an unrestrained fury.

His body was rigid and shaking, as if he wanted to kill everything that came into view but couldn't due to the tense muscles.

In the bedroom, Arthur's body also began to shake, and the handcuffs began to get thinner and thinner, but at the same time, longer, covering up to his elbows and knees.

By the time it got to his elbow, the handcuffs had fastened tightly between the creases of his arms and legs, connected by a plate of the same metal that ran to the locks on the wrists and ankles.

As soon as that happened, Arthur's muscles began to tear, one by one, as he spurted blood from his mouth.

An unprecedented weight began to press on his internal organs and injure them. The bones trembled, as if they were threatening to break.

In Arthur's vision, a man with a cruel smile was holding a bloody knife. He had a sneer on his face, as if he was looking at Arthur like a prey.

Arthur's first scream alone was enough as his resilience kicked in. The more hate he felt, the more fury that filled his mind telling him to tear this man into a million pieces, the calmer he was.

That calm really started to take its toll on his movement, as he managed to pull himself upright, even though he was shivering. Getting to his feet, he began to face the human-shaped animal in front of him.

"You…will…pay!" Arthur spat three words at the man, before starting to walk towards him.

All the resentment Arthur had been harboring inside him began to surface as a freezing coldness coursed through his blood, making his eyes look like razor blades.

This man, who took everything he had, who made him understand what it was to be truly alone, who took from him the most precious thing...

Tears began to fall from Arthur's eyes, but they were hateful. Hate not only for the man in front of him. But hatred of himself, hatred of his weakness, his impotence, his cowardice to face what he should.

The man didn't respond to Arthur's words, but simply continued to stare at him with that sick smile.

Clenching his fists so that his nails began to draw blood, Arthur punched the man with everything he had. His movements were slow, but fast enough to hit the man.

BANG! A shower of blood made Arthur's vision even bloodier as the man's body exploded in front of him. Arthur's punch had that force.

But he didn't feel good about it. In fact, more hate started to blossom in his heart, so much so that it beat wildly, while an enormous rush of adrenaline filled his body and dopamine eased the pain his body felt.

It was very easy. Ending something that destroyed your life was very easy...

But as Arthur thought, farther away the figure of that man appeared again, with an even more disgusting smile.

A cold smile spread across Arthur's face as he began to walk towards the man like a wolf towards its prey.


Thomas was at the computer, looking at some things about currency movement while listening to music.

Suddenly, he felt a slight tremor, along with a small noise that went through the phone.

At first he ignored it, but soon the trembling returned, only more intense. He removed the phone. Due to his room being soundproofed, he didn't hear a louder noise.


The trembling returned, knocking the bottle of water off the table. Now Thomas got up and walked to the door.

As soon as he opened it, a thunderous sound reached him.


It was as if a grenade had exploded when a huge noise came from downstairs. Pieces of wood flew everywhere.

As soon as he reached the stairs and looked down at the scene below, his jaw nearly dropped to the floor.

The room was completely detonated, with the furniture completely destroyed and the walls, which were said to be resistant, with innumerable holes. Even the sofa was stuck to the wall. If the house depended only on these walls, the house would already have fallen.

Running up the stairs, he looked around and saw more noises coming from the kitchen. He ran there again, only to see an unbelievable scene.

The kitchen table was broken in half and part of it was stuffed into the fridge. One person had the fist as well as the entire forearm inside the wall. His clothes were already torn, and blood was splattered everywhere.

Thomas immediately recognized who this person was. His eyes were clearly shocked by the scene, but he couldn't understand why it was happening.

As soon as Arthur removed his arm from the wall, his face turned to face Thomas. But, Arthur's eyes were closed, as if he was still sleeping.

But that didn't stop Thomas from being afraid of the glare. But that fear only got worse when he saw Arthur walking towards him.

"A-arthur…" Thomas called, but it was to no avail. Arthur continued to walk towards him, and his muscles behind the blood were starting to stiffen again. This opened up numerous small wounds on the arms, causing even more blood to come out.

"Arthur!" Thomas gathered his courage and spoke louder. But still without any reaction. The only one he got was a fist being raised slowly.

Thomas was already starting to shake, his eyes watering, but he still mustered the courage and screamed.

"ARTHUR!!!" That was the biggest scream Thomas could manage with the courage he mustered.

But what he didn't expect was for Arthur's body to actually stop, shaking a lot.


Arthur's body fell to the ground, hard as stone. But after a few seconds, the tense muscles relaxed. Thomas could also see a dark stain retracting from Arthur's arms and concentrating on his wrists. He couldn't see Arthur's legs very well, so he missed the movement that also took place there.

As soon as Arthur fell, Thomas didn't hesitate to run to him. Turning his body, Thomas put a hand to his chest to check the beat.


Thomas didn't despair, despite the fear rising inside him. He put his head on Arthur's chest, making it smeared with blood, just to hear something.


Arthur's body was completely silent, even with his heart stopped.

Now Thomas did despair. He slapped Arthur's body as more tears streamed down his face. He wasn't making a crying expression, but an ordinary one, as if he still didn't believe it.

After seeing that knocking was no good, Thomas did his best to calm down, and finally remembered his cell phone.

While his hands were shaking badly, he remembered the ambulance's emergency number and called without hesitation.


"Fast fast! The boy has cardiac arrhythmia and signs of arrest and needs emergency surgery!" Inside the ambulance, the rescuer screamed as she wiped the blood from Arthur's chest. After placing the sensor wires, she looked at the cardiac monitor and saw that there was an uncontrolled beat.

She took the defibrillator and put it on 100 joules, before unloading it on Arthur.


Arthur's body hit the gurney again, but the monitor didn't change. The rescuer immediately put in 200 joules and shocked Arthur again.


No change...

A cold sweat broke out on the rescuer's forehead, but she tried to remain confident. She immediately adjusted it to 300 joules and placed the paddles in the right places.

Looking at Arthur hopefully, she was about to tap the defibrillator paddles when the heart monitor beeped, indicating a normal beat.

But there wasn't even time for the rescuer to be happy, before the ambulance suddenly braked, causing her to push the paddles and deliver the shock straight into Arthur's heart.