
In a completely white room, on a stretcher with some medical devices, Arthur was lying.

When his consciousness finally returned, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Where-" As he got out of bed, Arthur felt an explosion of pain throughout his body. Even moving a finger made his arm tremble, and the only reason he got up was on impulse.

"I think you'd better lie down!" A calm voice sounded beside Arthur.

Arthur didn't have to turn around to know who it was. Gabriel.

"Happened again?" Arthur asked, remembering that a while ago he was in the same situation.

"I'm not sure, but probably yes." Gabriel replied calmly as he looked at Arthur.

"Is Thomas okay? I just remember that I was at home and going to sleep..."

"Yes he is. He was even the one who called the ambulance to pick you up. That's how we found out, and yes, we do watch you." Gabriel spoke without expression.

"... Thank you…" Arthur said as his eyes sparkled. He was grateful that Thomas was okay, even though it wasn't specifically Gabriel who saved him.

Gabriel was a little surprised by this. He imagined that Arthur would be irritated knowing he was being watched, but this lack of reaction was new.

Arthur swept his gaze around the room again and called out, "Thanks you too!"

Behind the door, Magikeen was a little surprised at how Arthur knew she was there. But when she remembered all their interactions, what Arthur did now was not unimaginable. A small smile formed on her face.

Returning to the living room, Arthur asked, "What time is it?"

"4 am on Friday," Gabriel replied.

"David, I want his file." Arthur said suddenly.

"One of the traffickers in the last operation?" Gabriel replied. He read the file of all the people captured and killed during the operation. David was one of the people who were captured by Arthur in the second building.

Arthur said no more and just nodded.

"Where are we?" Arthur asked as he stood up.

"Out of town, one of my businesses." Gabriel replied, also getting up.

'Business, right…' Arthur nodded.

By the time he got up from the gurney, he saw that he was dressed in simple hospital clothes, but nothing to expel him too much.

But before he could say anything, Gabriel handed him a change of new, clean clothes. Arthur also noticed that these clothes were very similar to the ones he had at home.

"Did you go to my house?"

"Yes!" Gabriel nodded.

Arthur grabbed his clothes and changed in a bathroom. It hurt a lot to do that, but he was starting to get used to the pain.

After leaving the bathroom, he followed Gabriel out of the room. He didn't see Magikeen anywhere, nor did he bother to look.

After going up some stairs, they arrived in a big hall full of cars. By the counters and offices, it was obvious they were at a dealership.

As he followed him inside, Arthur took the opportunity to see his status and if anything had changed.

| Statistics Panel |

[Level: 5] (330/10000)

[Name: Arthur (???)]

[Race: (???)]

[HP: 3800]

[MP: 1625]


•Good: 350•

•Evil: 1534•


•Strength: 250•

•Agility: 250•

•Vitality: 380•

•Constitution: 380•

•Intelligence: 325•

•Resilience: 501•


• Constellation •

• Absorption •

• Will •

• Abyss •

• Force •

• Berserk •

• Quickness •

• Golden Blood •

• Mithril Body •

• Cold Blood •


• Universes Absorber Technique •

• Heavenly Flow Technique •

[Supreme Skills]

• Vision of Soul •

• God Body •

'Did I earn 300 experience points? And my strength and agility status is back to what it was before! They did something...' Arthur looked up and stared at Gabriel's back for a moment.

But he soon began to think about it carefully and come up with the most conclusive answer.

'First my body... did it heal? But he would have to be damaged, and I concluded beforehand that my loss of stats was due to my body having consumed the muscles to activate the skills, so he was "normal"... so either they managed to give me back what I lost, or they brought it back...' Arthur processed the information without trying to get too caught up in logic. After all, his life hasn't been full of it lately.

As he tried to think, Arthur looked up at the clean white ceiling of the shop.

'Ceiling...roof...yeah! He confirmed to me that he was the person who fixed the roof of the hotel, but the roof was practically detonated to be fixed in a short time. But that would mean he has some kind of power... there's just crazy people around me.' Arthur found that his thoughts were leading him to answers he simply couldn't ask.

After all, if Gabriel asked about anything about Arthur, he wouldn't answer. So it wasn't good to assume otherwise.

'About the experience...'

"Hey, did I even get in the ambulance?" Arthur suddenly asked Gabriel.

"Yes, we had to get you out of there. I've already sorted this out with the police and the hospital, if you're worried about it." Gabriel spoke and kept walking.

"That's right," Arthur replied.

'Now it's more difficult... these are two places I have no idea what happened... I'm going to go crazy!' Arthur had no patience and gave up.

Despite being happy that he gained some experience, he wouldn't look wildly for it. If he already won once, even if he was unconscious, he would win again.

As they were passing several cars, the corner of Arthur's eye caught a scene that brought him to a halt. As soon as he saw it, he started walking towards it.

Gabriel noticed and watched to see what Arthur would do.

As soon as Arthur arrived in front of a particular car, his green eyes sparkled with rare emotion. Excitement!

It was a beautiful black Mustang Shelby GT500 with dark gray details. The difference between dark gray and black wouldn't look very distinguishable, but the dark hue looked like a black hole that sucked in all the light and color, making the gray have a flashy feel.

Despite its color, the entire body of the car could be seen in fine detail.

"Want to buy? A client of ours asked for it, but he said we could leave it here." Gabriel smiled, looking even a little mysterious. But since Arthur had his back to him, he didn't realize it.

The only thing Arthur did was hand Gabriel his guild card. His intentions were more than clear.

Gabriel nodded and, like magic, pulled the car keys out of nowhere. It looked like he was waiting for this.

"You can try the interior if you like." Gabriel said as he walked away to one of the nearby desks. He turned on the computer that was there and started to register some things.

Meanwhile, Arthur sat inside the car. After using the keys to start it, the roar of the engine stirred Arthur's heart, as if he were calling to him.

Patting the steering wheel, Arthur saw and touched every part of the interior, to make sure he remembered everything. It was a shame it didn't have a manual transmission, but he didn't mind too much. All he wanted most now was to step on the gas and go somewhere.

While he was excited in the car, Gabriel reached the window and handed him some papers. He also handed over what appeared to be a driver's license.

"You're not older, so you don't have a driver's license. I issued you a quick one, but it's fake. Also, you can't own any property, so I put this car in the company name."

"So it's not mine?"

"Of course it's yours. When you emancipate yourself or decide to wait to turn 18, it will legally be yours. Your luck is that you don't look much like a child, so the police won't catch you... If you don't do something for it." Gabriel replied calmly.

"Emancipate? Declaring myself independent at my age?"

"You are 14, right? For a normal person, it's only legal at 16. But you're not a normal person…" Gabriel replied with a mysterious smile.

Arthur couldn't help but understand and smiled too. Now he was much more excited. It was an emotion he hadn't genuinely experienced in a long time.

He didn't even care about the value of the car. The only thing he cared about was that he had one, and a beautiful one, as a matter of fact.

"I'll make way for you." Gabriel said. At the same moment, some of the cars in front of the Mustang started to pull away. The mechanisms on the floor are what made this possible.

Arthur didn't say anything else and just stepped on the gas, slowly. After he got further away, he stepped deep and went out onto the track.

"It's time to have fun, Black!" Arthur said with a smile.