
At approximately 17:15 pm.

Entering through the garage, where Arthur left the bike, he passed the destroyed room, but noticed that it was "clean". It was still a mess, but what could be fixed was.

As he got closer, he heard some laughter coming from the kitchen. Smiling, he approached.

"Hahahaha! I can't believe he did that!" At the kitchen counter, Amanda was clutching her stomach with laughter. She was wearing some of Arthur's clothes, which were too baggy on her, but still manageable.

"I'm saying! After throwing the bucket of water at them, he ran so hard that he almost died. He even had the nerve to shout: "A bunch of big boys like you, getting wet together. Shame on you!" He has no qualms..." Thomas was eating cookies at the table as he told the story.

They laughed, but as soon as they noticed Arthur leaning against the wall and listening to everything, they stopped, holding their mouths.

"I was going to do what? They teased you the day before. I needed revenge somehow." Arthur relaxed the mood. He was relieved that Thomas and Amanda were getting along well, given their background.

"How are you?" He asked as he set his backpack on the table.

"Good!" The two replied in unison.

"Good, because I brought cake. Amanda, close your eyes!" Arthur pleaded and opened his arms.

Amanda closed her eyes, but Thomas was intrigued and kept looking. As soon as he saw what Arthur did, his eyes widened in disbelief.

'It appeared from nowhere!!!! What the fuck is this power???' He thought as he got up and came running to the counter, taking a seat in one of the tall chairs.

"You can open your eyes!" Arthur said as he stroked Amanda's hair as he passed her and went to the fridge. He grabbed some juices and put away the chocolate bars he didn't eat.

"Wow, how did you do that?" Amanda asked in disbelief. One moment Arthur had nothing in his hands, and the next a cake appeared.

"Magic!" Arthur replied, looking not at Amanda but at Thomas.

Thomas nodded silently and took out the cake box. It was a chocolate cake with a strawberry filling. On top was chocolate frosting, with zest and sliced ​​strawberries. It was very pretty and looked delicious.

After leaving the juices on the counter, Arthur grabbed some small plates and silverware and gave each of them a reasonably large piece.

Watching happily Thomas and Amanda eat the cake, Arthur ate his in silence.

"Thanks for cleaning up!" Arthur thanked Amanda and Thomas as he took their empty plates and took them to the sink to wash.

"That's what we could do!" Amanda said with a smile.

After that, Thomas went up to his room and so did Arthur, to take off his clothes. Amanda followed Arthur into the bedroom, causing him to let out a small smile.

Arriving there, he entered the bathroom, but left the door open. Amanda sat on the bed and could see Arthur changing from there.

"So you're getting along with my brother?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, it wasn't very difficult. Why?" Amanda asked, confused.

"Nothing. He just doesn't make friends easily..." Arthur spoke quietly.

He took off his shirt, and his muscular torso was revealed to Amanda's surprise. He took off his pants too, leaving only his underwear on. Amanda turned her face away as she blushed.

"Haven't you seen it all before?" Arthur chuckled at his reaction.

"W-was different!" She spoke with embarrassment. But after a while she turned to face Arthur and face his body.

As he removed the bandages, Arthur noticed that his cut wounds had already faded, leaving only the ones that had been sewed up. He was shocked at the speed of his body's regeneration.

"I'll help you!" Amanda offered.


Carefully removing the bands, Arthur also asked her to remove the stitches. To her surprise, most of the scar had actually healed, and the rest would mostly depend on the effect of time.

Her touches on Arthur were different than before, almost as if it contained kindness and thanks. Looking at it, he knew she was trying to somehow thank him, but decided to keep quiet. Never interrupt someone when they try to thank you, or else the favor will turn to anger.

After all, he put on some sports pants and went down to the gym in the basement. Of course, Amanda accompanied him.

Doing his usual exercises, Arthur turned on 25x gravity training mode. His body was already strong and he could handle it all, but he decided not to increase the load until he figured out how to get more experience. Something told him it would be easier to increase strength from that moment on.

Amanda was left doing nothing, so she walked around the place. She walked over to Black, who was parked nearby. The white background with the black car made it more prominent and beautiful. When she saw Arthur completely sweating and sighing heavily, she went upstairs and brought him water.

"You don't have to do that!" Holding the bars, Arthur spoke as he did the pull-ups.

"But I want to!" Amanda replied with a smile.

Arthur was silent as he continued.

After finishing the exercises, Arthur felt fine. His body was sore, but he felt satisfied that he had trained. Climbing up quickly, he waited a while to shower. His body was too hot, so it wasn't good.

Amanda was waiting for him in bed the whole time. But in her mind was a serious debate about what to do.

When it was night, after they had dinner in their room, Arthur sat in the chair in front of the computer. Amanda was in his bed, looking at him.

"Are not you going to sleep? You must be tired..." She asked gently. She even cleaned one area of ​​the bed and stood at the other end, almost indicating that it was no big deal.

"I'm not sleepy yet. But you must be, so you can sleep first!" Arthur turned to the computer.

"Okay!" Amanda nodded, looking disappointed.

After a few minutes, as Arthur studied some subjects from the books, as he had nothing to do, movement was heard from behind.

Amanda got up with the blanket behind her and walked over to Arthur.

"I can't sleep..." She spoke softly.

Arthur smiled and understood what that could mean. He lifted her with ease, placing her in much the same way as she had in the morning, on top of him. Her head rested on his shoulder and her body relaxed. She even hugged his body.

After a few moments of silence, Amanda spoke into his ear.


"Do I need reasons?" Arthur answered truthfully.

"Yes, you need… I don't know what else to do!" Amanda screamed low as tears spilled down her face and left Arthur's shoulder wet.

He was silent, knowing there was nothing he could do right now. After he felt her stop crying, he lifted her face and asked as he stared at her.

"What do YOU ​​want to do?" Arthur caressed her cheek as he spoke, wiping away the remnants of tears.

"I-I... I want to live!" She spoke as more tears streamed down her face.

"With me?" Arthur asked with a smile.

"I am yours. Wouldn't it then be inevitable?" Amanda asked in confusion.

"You are not mine. I bought your freedom, not you. You decide what to do from now on!" Arthur shook his head. It felt like being in that room alone and working hard had messed with her head.

Remaining silent for a few moments, she said: "If you want then I can be completely yours. I will give myself to you, and all I ask is that you love me too. I wouldn't care if you found someone else either, as long as you didn't forget about me..."

"Haha ha! Don't you think you're getting too heavy?" Arthur chuckled upon hearing her proposal.

"Hmph! I'm serious!" Amanda punched Arthur lightly on the shoulder. She also pouted, which made her expression very cute.

"Go rest. We'll talk better tomorrow..." Arthur leaned her head back on his shoulder and started stroking her hair.

She wanted to say something else, but as if by magic, fatigue hit her and Arthur's caresses made her sleep soundly.

After a while, Arthur got up and placed her on the bed, also lying down. But as soon as he closed his eyes, the bloody image of the man returned, and a hatred welled up from his depths. He soon opened his eyes, and began to calm down.

'Looks like I won't sleep today...'

Time passed as Arthur stroked Amanda's hair and ear, almost instinctively. As he had nothing else to do, he took out his cell phone and fiddled with it with just one hand.

When it was morning, Arthur's voice woke Amanda up.

"Good Morning..."

Amanda slowly lifted her eyelids and looked into Arthur's face... which was in front of her!

"Eeh!" She stood up quickly. Her hands were on top of Arthur, as was her entire body.

"Did you sleep well?" Arthur asked, laughing at her reaction.

"How did I get here... up here?" Amanda asked, blushing. It was really embarrassing to wake up like this on top of a man. Especially when there wasn't a very clear relationship.

"You just went up. I tried to take you out three times, but you came back and I left you alone." Arthur lay still, waiting for her to leave.

Amanda noticed this and left. She was silent lying on the bed while Arthur went to the bathroom. As soon as he entered, she grabbed the clothes she was wearing and sniffed. A smile formed on her lips.

Arthur came out of the bathroom already wet and went downstairs with her. After breakfast, they left the house with Black at 8:00 am.

"Where are we going?" Amanda asked in the car. She was still wearing Arthur's clothes, but these were tighter and didn't feel loose.

"Do some shopping..." Arthur replied vaguely as he smiled at her.